Versions Compared


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  • We are working on understanding the response of the DKIST Wavefront Correction System (WFC) to varying atmospheric seeing conditions. The WFC system performance is still in the process of being optimized. The Fried parameter keyword AO___001 within your data set headers provides an estimate of the prevailing seeing condition. Due to technical limitations in the way the estimate is generated by the WFC system, the value provided can be misleading. Therefore, the reconstruction process occasionally fails even if a good Fried parameter is estimated. Furthermore, unrealistic Fried parameters (in the meter range) are estimated whenever the WFC system encounters conditions that are too severe for operation. In that case, a complete image reconstruction is not attempted.

  • We have encountered unexpected technical issues with the VBI cameras leading to a variety of noise artifacts in the data. This includes an overall dynamic noise pattern in the images which is amplified by the reconstruction process, a vertical stripes pattern in the images, and increased noise at strong gradients in the images as seen in particular in high contrast images. We have developed a variety of algorithms to improve the data quality. These issues continue to be approached from multiple angles to provide further improvements and solutions.

  • In a few rare cases you might notice an overexposure in the G-Band and the Blue Continuum images which worsens during the observing sequence (as the sun rises). If there is a second observe sequence on the observing day, the exposure time will have been adjusted for this second run.

Using IDL to Read VBI Files

If you want to interact with DKIST data in IDL, you can do this currently using READ_SDO.PRO in SolarSoft. Please note that if you are reading in VBI files using READ_SDO, you will need to use the /USE_SHARED_LIB option.
