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Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope


1. Science/Technical Highlight (Anyone)

2. Photos (Anyone)

3. Directorate (Thomas and Dave)

3.1 Activities

3.2 Financial Status

  • DKIST operations carried forward approximately $28.16M in unencumbered funds into FY 2023 from previous years.  A total of $X.XXM in new funding has been obligated by NSF thus far in FY 2023 for a total of $YY.YYM.

  • Financial status of

    • DKIST operational expenditures for August 2023 were $Z.ZZM

    • Total YTD expenditures for DKIST operations are $XX.XXM.

    • The average DKIST spending for FY 2023 (burn rate; BR) is $Y.YYM/month.

4. Science Operations (Ali and Andres)

4.1 Cycle 2 Experiment Generation


  • Daily schedule during the OCP2.4 observing window ( - ):

    • Arrive at DSSC (carpools): 4:45am

    • Leaving DSSC: 5:00am

    • Arriving at site: 6:00am

    • Start Observatory Shutdown: 2:00pm

    • Leaving site: 2:30pm

    • Arrive at DSSC (end of day): 3:30pm

  • Science Operations schedules two Science Operations Specialists (SOS), and one Resident Scientist (RS) to support daily science operations at the summit.

5 Technical Operations (Heather and Paul)

5.1 Site & Facility Status


6 Instrumentation Operations (Bret, Friedrich, and Dave H.)

6.1 Optics

6.1.1 System Optics

  • M3 spare Spare coating samples were sent for ellipsometetric measurement along with a large batch of system optics (M2 through M10) for ongoing system coating model monitoring. Both the polarization system model and the flux budget will be updated accordingly. Additional cleaning information was collected from the vendor for testing on large samples coated along with the M3 Spare.

6.1.2 Facility Instrument Distribution Optics (FIDO)

  • The GS50T950 beam splitter has shipped to Maui

6.1.3 Polarization Analysis and Calibration (PA&C)

  • Coating development is progressing on the fringe-suppressed Cryo-NIRSP modulator upgrade project. Multiple additional coating runs are being done and assessed by the DKIST team to attempt fringe suppression at specific spectral line wavelengths.

  • The MgF2 optical contact bonding post-fluid-jet-deterministic-polish project received the first round of polished crystals for assessment at the DSSC Maui labs in our custom built spectropolarimeter. Polishing results seem to indicate some anomalous polishing rates and similar non-uniform material properties. Assessment and data analysis is ongoing.

6.2 Summit Instrumentation


  • Several hours of vibration monitoring was done September 7th and 8th. This included data with the Vibrometer mounted on the ViSP bench, wavefront telemetry data, and mechanical accelerometer data taken in coordination with TechOps team. The air handling units (AHUs) were run at various speeds and various equipment was switched off/on. Ongoing analysis of the combined data sets will assist with vibration assessment.


6.9 Infrared Cameras

7 Data Center Operations (Bob and Alisdair)

7.1 Hardware Infrastructure
