Versions Compared


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Q1 Questions:

  • InstOps: How much of the VTF install can be accomplished in Jan.-Mar.?

  • SciOps: What would be the ideal time to start pre-eclipse science operations?

  • SciOps: What instruments take priority at the beginning of science operations, e.g., Cryo-NIRSP?

  • SciOps: How fast are we going to have to turn around any pre-eclipse observations for them to be useful?

  • DC/SciOps: Will the capabilities be in place to handle that turnaround time, e.g., Cryo-NIRSP pipeline?

  • TechOps: Given the longer engineering period (albeit filled by VTF and TechOps priorities), can we extend the first science period? If so, for how long before we need to stop for maintenance?

    • nominal 6 week on-sun till too many things creep up that need repair. we plan to do as much major annual maint as can, but we still will have to do quarterlies, monthlies and so on.

Q1 Highest Priorities for each group:

  • Science Ops

  • Technical Ops

    • Jan-Feb:

      • Major Mech & Elec annual PMs

      • Enclosure Azimuth reliability improvements & Testing

      • Thermal Systems Automation & Testing

      • Maybe - Optic Cleaning - tbc - M4, M1 partial

      • Assist VTF/Inst Grp per plan - cable trays, utilities

    • Mar-Mid Apr:

      • S&B, Obs Support.

      • Training of more Duty Engineers

      • Work as can, compatible w On-Sun

    • End Apr:

      • Site Tours Tour Pilot Program with EPO .

      • Eng time for VTF part 2? TBC eng efforts as compatible w that effort. Otherwise PM and urgent repairs

  • Instrumentation Ops

  • Data Center

Group Priorities for Q1 (Schedule details to be worked out between the groups)

Roadmap Planner



On Maui

Sci Ops

Tech Ops

Inst Ops

Data Center