Q1 Questions:
InstOps: How much of the VTF install can be accomplished in Jan.-Mar.?
At the end of February, the steel and most optical elements (not the etalon!) will be integrated. The goal is to have the optical elements internally aligned, alignment to the optical interface to DKIST does not appear likely. Motor control using instrument software is a goal.
SciOps: What would be the ideal time to start pre-eclipse science operations?
There is no simple answer and it depends on what the goal is. The major question is whether the eclipse collaboration with Predictive Sciences should be pursued at all (we did not plan on doing that); the science output is questionable - this is a sole public realtions effort for them although it could be done at any point in time, also “coronal magnetograms” are requested as an input (we are not prepared to deliver that) ;
SciOps: What instruments take priority at the beginning of science operations, e.g., Cryo-NIRSP?
Not sure what this question means. On the eclipse day depending on the priorities: the VBI and maybe ViSP for capturing the partial eclipse and then the Cryo-NiRSP.
SciOps: How fast are we going to have to turn around any pre-eclipse observations for them to be useful?
Not easy to answer and depends on the goal: ideally a full rotation period prior the time of the eclipse (if the collaboration with PSI for the eclipse is pursued - which is more and more unlikely).
DC/SciOps: Will the capabilities be in place to handle that turnaround time, e.g., Cryo-NIRSP pipeline?
No, that will not be the case to our best knowledge (if this refers to the Predictive Sciences PSI effort that was originally intended).
TechOps: Given the longer engineering period (albeit filled by VTF and TechOps priorities), can we extend the first science period? If so, for how long before we need to stop for maintenance?
nominal 6 week on-sun till too many things creep up that need repair. we plan to do as much major annual maint as can, but we still will have to do quarterlies, monthlies and so on.
Q1 Highest Priorities for each group:
Group Priorities for Q1 (Schedule details to be worked out between the groups)
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