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Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope


1. Science/Technical Highlight (Anyone)

2. Photos (Anyone)

3. Directorate (Thomas and Dave)

3.1 Activities

3.2 Financial Status

  • DKIST operations carried forward approximately $XX.XXM in unencumbered funds into FY 2024 from previous years.  A total of $0M in new funding has been obligated by NSF thus far in FY 2024 for a total funding amount of $YY.YYM.

  • Financial status of

    • DKIST operational expenditures for the current month were $Q.QQM

    • Total YTD expenditures for DKIST operations are $VV.VVM.

    • The average DKIST spending for the past 12 months (burn rate; BR) is $A.BBM / month.


4. Science Operations (Ali and Andres)

4.1 Status of Observing

  • The fifth observing window (OCP2.5) closed on . Observing scheduled to continue in spring 2024.


4.8 Science Operations Tools

  • Completed Terraform scripts that will create new AWS Virtual Private Clouds (VPC)s for the production and development stacks of the Ops tools. Currently the Prod and Dev stacks are located within the same VPC, which is an unwanted situation as they share resources, queues, and security tools. The new Terrraform script will be tested and hopefully deployed in December.

  • With the hiring of a new Software Engineer, began the migration of the Experiment Architect from VUE 2 to React. VUE 2 is nearing en of life and the migretion is required to keep the product on a well surprted platform.

  • Completed the second round of updates to the OT-OCS Interface Control Document (ICD) - The ICD was updated in significant ways as we learned from implementing and using the ICD during the OCP 1 and 2 Observing periods. The ICD change was major in that is modified, deleted, and added a number of messages in order to more efficiently transfer data and to add functionality that was not previously possible.

  • Completed the Beta version of the OPMT migration to React, which include an extensive redesign of the user interface. The changes are now in user review.

4.8.1 Management

5 Technical Operations (Heather and Paul)

5.1 Site & Facility Status


6 Instrumentation Operations (Bret, Friedrich, and Dave H.)

6.1 Optics

6.1.1 System Optics


6.9 Infrared Cameras

7 Data Center Operations (Bob and Alisdair)

7.1 Hardware Infrastructure
