Preparation for ConOps review ongoing.
Scientists are creating the experiments for Cycle 3 accepted proposals.
Registered DKIST User database clean-up continues.
Planning of Cycle 4 is ongoing.
Continued work on implementing a simpler status state machine in OPMT
Preparation for a DKIST mini-workshop within the SDO 2025 Science Workshop - A Gathering of the Helio-Hive
Preparation for ConOps review ongoing.
Drafted and finalized Strategy for polcals, groupcals, and trend data with stakeholders
Manually fixed and processed Cryonirsp runs with mislabeled exposure timescontinued work on implementing a simpler status state machine in OPMT
Atttended and presented at the Cyber Infrsatructure (CI) Compass Virtual Workshop - “Data Management: From Instrument to First Storage”