Please not that the Cryo-NIRSP pipeline is currently (June 2022) undergoing substantial changes. While the basic steps outlined in the document below remain the same, many of the details will change. The document will be updated to reflect these changes as they occur.
This document provides an overview of the steps used to calibrate data from the Cryo-NIRSP instruments to Level 1 FITS files. This processing is all done at the Data Center in Boulder.
Calibration Operations | Description |
Validate CI Observe Task | Confirm that data form a consistent set that is valid for CI Science Calibration |
Linearity Calibration | Generate linearity corrected frame data See “Linearity Calibration” above for more details |
Dark Correction | Remove dark current signal using dark calibration parameters Test that input data form a consistent set that is suitable for dark calibration and that dark calibration meets quality criteria. Apply the dark correction to the CI data frames. |
Modulated Gain Correction (Polarimetric Observations) | Divide each modulator state in input data by a gain image associated with the same modulator state. Gain image is derived from the Gain1 calibration described in detail above. |
Instrument Polarization Correction (Polarimetric Observations) | Apply a demodulation matrix (Instrument Polarization Calibration) to input data Take CI demodulation matrices computed by the PA&C Modules and apply it to the science data for each beam. |
Telescope Polarization Correction (Polarimetric Observations) | Generate a DKIST Telescope Mueller Matrix that captures the effects of M1 – M6 and apply this matrix to demodulated data Set up a PA&C ModulesTelescope Model with the observed telescope configuration. Generate an inverse telescope Mueller matrix. Matrix-multiply the inverse matrix with the input data. |
Generate CI Science Calibration | Collect data and metadata into a single Science Calibration object This calibration will result in version 4.0 FITS files grouped into datasets with similar observing characteristics such as primary wavelength. All the metadata in the calibrated frames will be SPEC-0214-compliant in step with calibrated data from other instruments. |
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