DKIST General
Operational Status
We are currently in week 4 of Engineering Period 2024b transitioning to Science Operations OCP 2.7.
We had a wonderful Pau Hana and farewell for Heather Marshall at the DSSC - 5/22
DKIST Shake and Bake - 5/22 & 5/23
Start of Science Observing period OCP 2.7 - 5/24.
Nothing new to report
SciOps and OpsTools team
Released the Cycle 3 Proposal Call and announced the opening of the submission window through email to all of the registered DKIST users, on the NSO webpages, and on Solar News and the SHINE NewsLetter.
Prepared and finalized the observations for co-observing with the Sunrise III Balloon project. The Balloon is planned to launch sometime during a 7 week launch window opening on May 25 and closing around July 15, 2024.
Released and supported the Cryo-NIRSP Status announcement for Cycle 2 and Cycle 3 PIs: CryoNIRSP status for Cycle 2 PIs and Prospective Cycle 3 PI's.
Finalized plan for OCP2.7 observing window.
Resolved a problem on the production OpsTools stack that prevented experiments from being sent. Troubleshooting was difficult because the issue did not occur on the development/test stack, and it was unclear why it was occuring on the production stack.
TechOps team
MECO site outage, recovery and thermal restart / troubleshooting.
Coude Shake and Bake prior to start of OCP2.7
Hosted Jon Tuma (AURA VP of HR) on site 5/21/2024
M1 + FeedOptics Snow Cleaning in prep for OCP2.7.
M1 Cell Heat Exchanger repair.
Hawaii Department of Health permit for the septic repair closed out - job done!
InstOps team
In conjunction with the VTF team from Germany, completed the internal alignment of the single-etalon VTF. Began final alignment to the telescope but lost capability to use GOS light due to coolant flow issues. Cleaned up the Coudé in preparation for OCP 2.7.
Completed cooling and on-sun preparation for DL-NIRSP.
Initiated the pump-down and cooling of the Cryo-NIRSP after the MECO power outage in preparation for OCP 2.7.
Installed new heat dump system on the ViSP.
Worked with AURA on delivery of IR Camera SWIRs from Raytheon.
Worked on MCAO 11km DM design issues with AOA/Xinetics.
PCO determined issue with power-on failure of MCAO camera 1. PCO is working on intermittent failures of several other cameras.
Completed outstanding software release tasks and began final testing of High-Level Software (HLS) version Pono 7.
HLS supported cooling and power outages with monitoring, shutdown, and startup of computer systems.
Data Center team
Generated and tested an emergency procedure to recover the monitors in a ceph cluster after the loss of all monitors. The next ceph upgrade is planned to be done during normal DC operations in all environments including prod. Although this issue is not expected to occur, if it does occur then I need to be ready to handle it because prod ceph and everything that uses it - including transfers from the summit - will be blocked.
Implemented parallel paging in the processing-preparation-worker to reduce load time. The load time was reduced by an order of magnitude with the solution. This query was taking 30-40 seconds per page, and frames were taking hours just to load.