Hop along Capacity

Hop along Capacity

A reward of four bits is offered for data leading to the lightning arrest of this desperate criminal: Hop-a-long Capacity.

This unrectified criminal dissipated (discharged himself) from a Western prism where he was held in soliton confinement in a primary cell, clamped in ions awaiting the quartz decision between the gauss chamber or death by lethal induction. He tunneled through the schottky barrier and punched-through an insulated gate, thus avoiding the mesa's guard ring. Waving Debye, he then beta swift retreat in a stolon standard model alpha. His last meal was to have been erg and pawn curie .

He was charged with the interference, impedance and induction of an 18 turn air-core bobbin, n-sine Millie Henry who was found choked, gapped and robbed of valuable joules, which really erged her and caused her brother Mike O. Henry to re-coil concerned that she had lost phase "Watt a WIMP, I'll barium" he vowed. Though still fit for continuous duty the attendants opted to carrier away on a liter (her CO2 had centiliter). She exhibited reluctance to being shunted away like an invalid, crying "Mind your own bismuth, I'm not dyne" Though later she emitted "It really Hertz." After Huygen her tight, Capacity had even stooped to peltier with rocks.

Hop-a-long, who said he couldn't resistor, is armed with a carbon rod heater, has high mobility and is a potential killer. He wanted Abelian to set her free.

The cholesteric Capacity is also charged with arsenide, and driving a dc motor open-loop over a Wheatstone bridge and refusing to let a band-pass, crushing their mascot woofer beneath a rolling average. Use cation if encountered, he has the capacitance to offer series resistance. If beta captured tie with a phase lock loop, conduct him to the nearest secondary cell and telluride to transmitter wire to the police.

The detector Sherlock Ohms and the localized force, officers Newton and Slug, were catalyzed by the gravity of his crimes and spent the night probing for him in a magnetic field, where he had gone to earth near the symmetry. They report nothing positive and believe he has returned ohm via an unintended ground loop path. They are anxious to run him to ground so he can be passivated and recharged with nu crimes. Please contact them with feedback no matter watt-hour, especially if you hear shot noise.

A native of PN Junction, Hop-a-long will often on a faraday ride a cyclotron (aCarnot cycle) or rho an arc with his short girl friend Eddie Current who plays a harmonic. He drives with a heavy photon the accelerator, making him a super collider. He may flyback to his ohm town where he sometimes Gibbs free energy in the Lorentz district.

© Mark W. Lund, 2008-2019, extensively expanded from an earlier story that has been much reproduced, but whose author remains unknown to us.

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