2024 June 17 - 21
DKIST General
Operational Status
We are currently in week 4 of Science Operations period OCP 2.7.
SPIE meeting Yokohama, Japan - 6/16-6/21
SciOps and OpsTools team
Cycle 3 Proposal Call submission windows closed successfully. Congrats to the scientist supporting the Help Desk for an excellent job.
Cycle 3 Proposal material was handed over to the Chairs of the Technical Review Committee (TRC) and the Science Review Committee (SRC).
Cycle 3 Technical Review started with Lucas Tarr as the chair of the Technical Review Committee.
Ongoing observing support for OCP2.7.
On standby for Sunrise III co-observing (daily until launch).
TechOps team
Attending, Presenting Papers and Posters and Chairing Sessions at SPIE Yokohama.
Testing of the Enclosure Altitude Encoder & data analysis.
Ongoing observing support for OCP 2.7.
InstOps team
Ongoing discussion regarding IR camera sensors and controllers.
Continued optical work on FIDO gray beamsplitter,
HLS has worked on upgrading the data transfer rate to Boulder.
Ongoing observing support for OCP 2.7.
Data Center team
Began work on updating the HLS-DC ICD to account for packaging of raw data prior to transfer from the summit. With the addition of DL-NIRSP data, transfers have taken well over 24 hrs to complete. This is due to the transfer of millions of relatively small files, which is not efficient for Globus. HLS and DC are planning on packaging up small files into larger .tar files prior to transfer from the summit, and the ICD must reflect this new paradigm.
Completed the removal of calls related to Proposal Completion status in the Ops tools. At one time, a Proposal Completion message from the OT to the DC was to be the triggerthat would start the 6 month proprietary period on data. when the decision was made to use the publication of the first dataset as the trigger, this message was no longer needed. subsequently , all the the related dead code on the DC was removed, and now the complementary dead code in OT was removed.