2024 September 9 - 13
DKIST General
Operational Status
DKIST is in week 1 of Engineering period 2024d.
SciOps and OpsTools team
Science Operations Specialists meeting to discuss OCP2.8 activities and problems. Defined action points in preparation for the next observing window.
Plan interviews for the Chief SOS hiring process.
Collaboration with Canada France Hawaii Telescope - Science Operations. Meeting to demonstrate how DKIST Science Operations manages documentation using Confluence.
TechOps team
Annual Crane inspection completed - no major issues or discrepancies found.
MECO Large Account Manager visit and tour to discuss DKIST PV project, power usage, reliability and energy saving options.
Troubleshooting PA&C rack power issues and extraction of blown rack fan (1 of 3).
Coude Bearing Load Sensor (Condition monitoring system) permanent install complete (was started by Akamai intern) ready for Shake and Bake trial coming up.
CryoNIRSP He Compressors remote control interface hardware installation (ties into FMS for preemptive shutdown when coolant flow is lost).
PV Project bids received.
Critical Thermal System Pump Pm’s ongoing.
Enclosure & Mount Control Rack PM’s ongoing.
Coude Control Rack Cooling units removal fan mounting retrofit and replacement for Vibration Mitigation.
InstOps team
Began engineering activities for Eng 2024D.
DL-NIRSP: upgraded and installed the slit mask stage, tested for light leaks, connected modulator stage to facility coolant.
Cryo-NIRSP: replaced context imager window O-ring, re-installed the context imager camera controller with new USB cable.
ViSP: Developed plans for November instrument upgrades and tests for vibration monitoring, modulator replacement, stray light baffles, and beam balancing. Added software upgrades to increase observing efficiency.
Changed the FIDO configuration for the OCP 2.9 observing configuration.
Data Center team
Added support for multiple co-adds in DL-NIRSP data.
Completed a full rebuild of active documentation in Read-the-Docs
Improved the TileDataSet Class in the User tools for better interaction and user experience with VBI data