March 15, 2024 : New Publicly Available DKIST Data Taken Oct 16, 2023, in Coordination with Solar Orbiter Remote Science Window #11
DKIST announces new publicly available data taken October 16, 2023, in coordination with Solar Orbiter Remote Science Windows #11. These observations were taken to support Long-term observations of an Active Region to monitor AR plasma parameter variations as described by the Solar Orbiter observing plan (SOOP) R_SMALL_MRES_MCAD_AR-Long-Term and are co-temporal with Solar Orbiter observations.
The DKIST data consists of 143 datasets with observations being taken in both the Visible Spectro-Polarimeter (ViSP) and the Visible Broadband Imager (VBI). The details of the proposal PID_2_114 datasets are given below.
PID_2_114 – 143 total datasets | |
Observation Date: 2023/10/16 18:15 - 2023/10/17 00:03 | |
ViSP Data (66 data sets) 22 x Na D 1 (589nm) data 22 x Ca II (854nm) data 22 x Fe I (630nm) data | VBI Data (77 data sets) 22 x Gband (430nm) data 21 x Ca II K (393nm) data 13 x Continuum (450nm) data 21 x Hbeta (486nm) data |
The data is available from both the DKIST Data Portal and via the DKIST User Tools. There is an additional small data set taken on Oct 17, but the calibrated VBI data is not yet available for this.
More information about ViSP and VBI may be obtained from the NSO DKIST Instrument webpages. The DKIST science team has performed inspections of both the VBI and ViSP data. For VBI, in addition to the general dataset caveats page, a detailed description of issues seen with the VBI data is available from PID_2_114 VBI Data Report. In looking closely at the ViSP data for this encounter, DKIST scientist João da Silva Santos has created a post-pipeline algorithm, dejitter, to correct for jitter observed in this data. This software is available to users from the dkist-community-code repository In the test_data directory you will find an ipython notebook (vibrationremoval_tutorial.ipynb) which leads you through the correction. You may use the DKIST DC Help Desk or contact João directly ( if you have any questions about applying this correction to the ViSP data. This post-pipeline correction is also in the process of being incorporated into the DKIST User Tools, to make it easier for people to use. If you have any questions or comments about the datasets described above please use the form on the DKIST DC Help Desk to give us your feedback.