Open the latest Coude LIC program so you have the ability to toggle the measure/reset signal. Under the “Load Sensor” routine, the “measure” signal is an active high signal to the charge amplifier. Toggle low/off to initiate a reset and turn hi/on to measure.
The latest Coude LIC program is located here:https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/o59pzk6p7xfkdi1rp8y2t/AONHZ2fQmUGoiGZ99iQleDg?rlkey=wvqvp53jfb2qrmuldplt8ddcy&st=5krrtsgq&dl=0
Open Ignition and start any application and bring up ad hoc chart from the new project tab, drag the following tags onto the graph for plotting: load_raw_voltage & p_ist_mult. The “load_raw_voltage” tag is found FMSRealtime>rodell test tags. The “p_ist_mult” tag is found FMSRealtime>coude encoder tracking>azimuth.
The newest data set should look very similar to the previous data set, a quick comparison should be done and ensure no new higher peaks have not appeared. The data is made available to the mechanical group to decide if adjusts are needed. The last adjustments where made in March 2024, see the following:
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