Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
Monthly Operations Report
Status as of Month DD, YYYY
Table of Contents
1. Science/Technical Highlight
2. Current Photos (if anyone has any???)
3. Directorate (Thomas and Dave)
4. Science Operations (Alexandra and Andres)
4.1 Cycle experiment generation progress
4.2 Cycle observing progress
There were a total of XX experiments observed this month during Cycle Y.Z.
Otherwise, if there are no new observations to report this month we can just say so here and delete the table.
Cycle | Experiment ID | Observe Date | FIDO Configuration | Proposal Title |
OCP2.X | MM/DD/YYYY | |||
4.3 Operations schedule and training activities
5 Technical Operations (Heather and Paul)
5.1 Electrical/Electronics
5.2 Facility Management System
5.3 Site IT/Software
5.4 Mechanical
5.5 Opto-Mechanical
5.6 Systems Engineering
6 Instrumentation Operations (Bret and Friedrich)
6.1 Facility Instrument Distribution Optics (FIDO)/Polarization Analysis and Calibration (PA&C)
6.2 Wavefront Correction System (WFS)
6.3 Visible Spectro-Polarimeter (ViSP)
6.4 Diffraction Limited Near-Infrared Spectro-Polarimeter (DL-NIRSP)
6.5 Cryogenic Near-Infrared Spectro-Polarimeter (Cryo-NIRSP)
6.6 Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO)
6.7 Infrared Cameras
7 Data Center Operations (Bob and Alisdair)
7.1 Hardware Infrastructure
7.2 Software Infrastructure
7.2.1 Data Center
7.2.2 Portal/Archive
7.3 Science Data Processing
7.3.1 Calibration Pipelines
7.3.1 Data Released
There were a total of XX data sets released to their PIs this month and a total of YY data sets released to the public this month.
Otherwise, if there are no new data sets released this month we can just say so here and delete the table.
Experiment ID | Proposal Title | Observe Date | Release Date (PI) | Release Date (Public) |