Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
Monthly Operations Report
Status as of December 31, 2023
Table of Contents
1. Science/Technical Highlight (Anyone)
2. Photos (Anyone)
3. Directorate (Thomas and Dave)
3.1 Activities
3.2 Financial Status
DKIST operations carried forward approximately $XX.XXM in unencumbered funds into FY 2024 from previous years. A total of $0M in new funding has been obligated by NSF thus far in FY 2024 for a total funding amount of $YY.YYM.
Financial status of
DKIST operational expenditures for the current month were $Q.QQM
Total YTD expenditures for DKIST operations are $VV.VVM.
The average DKIST spending for the past 12 months (burn rate; BR) is $A.BBM / month.
4. Science Operations (Ali and Andres)
4.1 Status of Observing
4.1.1 Regular Cycle Observing
Observing Window | Experiment ID | Observing Date | FIDO Configuration | Proposal Title |
4.1.2 Solar Orbiter Co-Observing
4.1.3 Parker Solar Probe Co-Observing
4.2 Observing Planning
4.3 Science Operations Training Activities
4.4 Science Operations Specialists
4.5 Cycle Preparation
4.6 Experiment Generation
4.7 Science Operations Management
4.8 Science Operations Tools
4.8.1 Management
5 Technical Operations (Heather and Paul)
5.1 Site & Facility Status
5.2 General Site & Facility Repairs, Improvements & Upgrades
5.3 Electrical/Electronics/PLC and Facility Management System
5.3.1 Highlights of Recurring Preventative Maintenance Performed in October
5.3.2 System Repairs & Upgrades
5.4 Mechanical/Thermal
5.4.1 Highlights of Recurring Preventive Maintenance performed in October
5.4.2 System Repairs & Upgrades
5.5 Opto-Mechanical
5.6 Management
5.6.1 Recruitment & Training
5.6.2 Environmental Safety & Health
5.6.3 Observatory Community Service, Broadening Participation
6 Instrumentation Operations (Bret, Friedrich, and Dave H.)
6.1 Optics
6.1.1 System Optics
6.1.2 Facility Instrument Distribution Optics (FIDO)
6.1.3 Polarization Analysis and Calibration (PA&C)
6.2 Summit Instrumentation
6.2.1 Instrument Systems
6.2.2 Wavefront Correction System (WFS)
6.2.3 Visible Spectro-Polarimeter (ViSP)
6.2.4 Diffraction Limited Near-Infrared Spectro-Polarimeter (DL-NIRSP)
6.2.5 Cryogenic Near-Infrared Spectro-Polarimeter (Cryo-NIRSP)
6.2.6 Visible Broadband Imager
Dichroic blocking filters for VBI-Blue were ordered from a second vendor following last’s months spec development. Some commercial mounting hardware was ordered for both -Blue and -Red channel blocking filters. These filters should be installed before out-of-band flux is sent to VBI by the new Grey FIDO beam splitters.
6.7 Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO)
6.8 High Level Software (HLS)
6.9 Infrared Cameras
7 Data Center Operations (Bob and Alisdair)
7.1 Hardware Infrastructure
Continued integrating Buys #4 and #5 hardware into the Data Center. The equipment has been racked and stacked, and is awaiting the installation and configuration of switches by CU personnel in order to be integrated and functioning in the DC.
7.2 Software Infrastructure
7.2.1 Data Center
7.2.2 Portal/Archive/Public
7.3 Science Data Processing
7.3.1 Calibration Pipelines
7.3.1 Data Released
DataSets Released to PIs
proposalID | Instrument | ObserveDate | CreateDate | EmbargoEndDate | Count |
Datasets Made Public
proposalID | Instrument | ObserveDate | CreateDate | EmbargoEndDate | Count |