DKIST General
Operational Status
We are currently in week 3 of Science Operations period OCP 2.7.
The Cycle 3 Proposal Call window closed on June 12, 2024, 23:00 GMT.
SciOps and OpsTools team
New Science Operations Specialist Francisco Salinas completed training with RH and Safety and he is now starting with the Science Operations training program.
Akamai intern Samantha Limon started working with Science Operations for 2 months. The project is called “Science Operations Specialist Group Daily Report Form Upgrade,” and the mentor is David Morris.
All Experiments for the FIDO 1a configuration were revised/updated and are now ready to be sent to the summit.
Significant Help Desk science support during the last week of the proposal submission window for Cycle 3.
Cycle 3 Technical Review tools preparation: the technical review committee uses the Jira framework to assign and track the progress during the process.
Ongoing observing support for OCP2.7.
TechOps team
Completed significant number of concurrent (can complete in parrallel with observing) PM tasks that had been deferred from the engineering downtime.
Akamai Interns onboarding and welcome (first day on site 6/12/2023).
SPIE preparation (papers, presentations and posters)
M1 Co2 cleaning & cleaning in vicinity of optical systems - there have been multiple insect swarms on site over last couple of weeks.
Ongoing Observing support.
InstOps team
Data Center team