How do we want to treat the week of the ConOps review?
Does the InstOps on-Sun time count against the nominal 7 weeks of SciOps time between engineering periods? Or can we go an extra week or two?
Should we do another S&B after the InstOps on-Sun period at the end of February?
Q1 Highest Priorities for each group:
Science Ops
Beeing back on sun the week before RSW SO opens: RSW open on 03/11 that means we need to be back ideally on 03/05 with S&B on 03/03+4 (+/- 1 day or so) - the first co-observing is planned on the 03/12 ; we are never ready on the first day of S&B would be only on 03/10+11!
Interlaced Cycle 3 observing start with co-observing with SO at least until the week of April 21 ….
Co-observing during PSPE23: first of two closest ever encounters (also: MLSO/UCOMP will be running!). The one in March 03/21 is the highest priority ; this will require to be on sun the entire weekend (Sat+Sun) including days prior and after.
Preparations for release of the Cycle 4 Proposal Call in full swing ; release date of call will be mid May ; we are not going to be able to do this earlier.