The High Level Controls and Software WBS element encompasses the means to control and coordinate observations performed with the telescope and instruments. This includes the lowest level servo or logic controller to the highest-level queue and scheduling processes.
4.1 Common Services
The Common Services provides software infrastructure required by all DKIST software systems.
4.2 Observatory Control System (OCS)
The OCS operates the observatory by creating and coordinating observations sent to the other systems. The OCS provides user interfaces, planning and scheduling, and observation management tools.
4.3 Data Handling System (DHS)
The DHS manages input data streams from the instruments. It provides the data flow mechanisms, data storage, archival, and retrieval, and data display.
4.4 Telescope Control System (TCS)
The TCS is responsible for the control of the telescope positioning and image quality. It operates associated subsystems, including the enclosure, mount, M1, M2, acquisition and guiding, and adaptive/active optics.
4.5 Global Interlock System (GIS)
The GIS provides a redundant, stand-alone safety mechanism for personnel and equipment.
WBS 5.0 Enclosure
The Enclosure is the large structure that surrounds and provides protection for the Telescope Assembly. It includes a variety of mechanical subassemblies, bogies, controllers, drives, and equipment that are used to point, track, and slew it in synch with the Telescope.