Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  • In progress
  • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

    A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a tool used by project management and systems engineering to decompose a project into manageable components. It is typically organized into a hierarchical tree structure with clearly defined objectives and responsibilities.

    The original Solidworks ePDM Vault SysDoc folder was organized around this structure. For example, the GIS is part of the high-level controls, WBS 4.5, so is found in the vault under DKIST File Vault > SysDocs > 4.0 Controls > 4.5 GIS.

    The WBS may not necessarily correspond to how you are used to thinking about the various systems and subsystems. For example, the telescope mount and Coude rotator are subassemblies of the telescope assembly. The M1 is a subassembly of the telescope mount although we often think of the M1 and the Coude rotator as separate systems.

    PMCS-0101 WBS Descriptions

    WBS 1.0 Telescope Assembly

    The Telescope Assembly WBS element encompasses the telescope mount assembly, the M1 assembly, the Top End Optical Assembly (TEOA), the Feed Optics assemblies, the System Alignment equipment, and the Acquisition System.

    1.1 Telescope Mount Assembly

    The Telescope Mount Assembly (TMA) WBS element encompasses the large structure that supports the optics and instruments of DKIST. It includes all the various mechanical subassemblies, bearings, controllers, drives, and equipment that are used to point, track, and slew these optics and instruments during science operations.

    1.1.1 Mount Structure

    The mount structure is comprised of all the major structural elements that provide support and rotation of the mirror assemblies and related instrumentation packages in azimuth and altitude. The mount is comprised of the optics support structure assembly, the mount base assembly, the azimuth track, the azimuth and altitude bearing systems, the mount access platforms, and the light baffle tube.

    1.1.2 Mount Drive System

    The mount drive system is comprised of the drives, amplifiers, encoders, brakes, over-travel stops, servo controllers, and other equipment used to point, track, and slew the mount in azimuth and altitude rotation.

    1.1.3 Coude Rotator Structure

    The Coude Rotator Structure is the large, single-level steel assembly that rotates about an azimuth axis inside of the Pier. It is comprised of the structural elements that support Coude instruments and optical benches underneath the mount, the bearings that allow for rotation, and also the flooring system.

    1.1.4 Coude Rotator Drive System

    The Coude rotator drive system is the assembly of drives, encoders and controllers that allow the Coude rotator to track and de-rotate the light feed from the mount, align slits of spectrographs, and to slew to different positions during normal telescope operations.

    1.1.5 (Intentionally blank)

    1.1.6 (Intentionally blank)

    1.1.7 Ancillary Mechanical Equipment

    The ancillary mechanical equipment is the collection of secondary equipment that is bolted to the mount and Coude rotator structures (e.g., mirror cover, cable wraps, etc.)

    1.1.8 Mount Control System

    The mount control system (MCS) is the system responsible for the control and coordination of the TMA, including the mount drive system, the Coude rotator drive system, and the Nasmyth rotator drive system. It also controls the ancillary mechanical equipment, and provides interfaces for all these components to the telescope control system (TCS), the observatory control system (OCS), and the global interlock system (GIS).

    1.1.9 Telescope Mount Assembly GIS Interface

    The portion of the GIS associated with the TMA is distributed in two separate local interlock controllers. These LICs communicate through the safety network which is part of the GIS. These individual LICs function as independent safety systems as well as globally communicate within the GIS, providing for equipment and personnel safety.

    1.1.10 (Intentionally blank)

    1.1.11 Telescope Mount Assembly Tools & Equipment

    The TMA tools and equipment include specialty items required to install, align, and test the TMA in the factory and on-site. These include such things as dummy weights, precision measurement equipment, hydraulic bolt tensioners, lifting equipment, slings, come-alongs, and other "install and align" type items.

    1.2 M1 Assembly

    The M1 Assembly contains the M1 (primary) mirror and the M1 support system that controls its optical figure over the telescope operating conditions.

    1.2.1 M1 Mirror

    The M1 Mirror is the primary light-collecting mirror in DKIST. M1 Mirror Blank

    The M1 mirror blank is made of highly homogeneous low-expansion glass ceramic material with a machine-generated front and back surface ready for optical polishing and figuring. M1 Mirror Grind, Polish, Ship

    The contracted effort, beginning with the delivery of the M1 mirror blank, consisting of the generation, polishing and transport of the finished M1 Mirror to the site.

    1.2.2 M1 Cell Assembly

    The assembly containing the M1 mirror, M1 support system, M1 thermal control system, cooled aperture plate and M1 control system

    WBS 2.0 Wavefront Correction

    The wavefront correction system is comprised of two major elements: the adaptive optics (AO) system, and the active optics (aO) systems. Both AO and aO are part of the Wavefront Correction – Coude (WFC-C). Also included in this subsystem are the Wavefront Correction Control System (WCCS), and the Wavefront Correction Limb Tracker.

    WBS 3.0 Instrument Systems

    Instrument Systems is comprised of the Instrument Lab Facility (ILF), a Visible Broadband Imager (VBI), Visible Spectro-Polarimeter (ViSP), Near-IR Spectro-Polarimeter (NIRSP), Visible Tunable Filter (VTF), and Camera Systems.

    3.1      Instrument Lab Facility

    The Instrument Lab Facility is a set of components that directly support science instruments and observers.

    3.1.1 Polarimetry Analysis and Calibration

    The Polarimetry Analysis and Calibration system is used both to modulate the beam for determining the polarization state of solar features, and to determine telescope polarization. The system includes the Gregorian Optics System, polarization modulators, calibration optics, and Nasmyth and Coude analyzers. It also includes control software and the hardware it runs on.

    3.1.2 Master Clock & Synchro Network

    Develop and construct the timing system for the DKIST software and instrument systems. Build and integrate the timing network (IEEE-1588) into the observatory and deliver the time standard to the instruments.

    3.1.3 Coude Station

    The Coude Station includes the optical benches and beam splitters that divide the DKIST beam amongst the various instruments in the Coude lab.  This does not include the imaging optics, their supports, nor the optical benches under each instrument.  These are considered part of the individual instruments. Imaging Optics

    The DKIST optical system ends after BS1 beam splitter that divides the wavefront correction beam and the science beam.  The beam at this point is collimated.  Each instrument provides its own imaging optics to suit the specific needs of that instrument. (Intentionally blank) Optical Benches

    The optical benches are also considered part of each instrument.  Additional Lab Items

    3.1.4 Instrument Control System

    The Instrument Control System provides a standard interface between the DKIST instrument systems and the telescope support facilities (TCS, data handling, user interfaces). It supports instrument developers by providing hardware and software standards for instrument components, and services for connections to the telescope.

     3.1.5 Coude Environmental System

    The Coude Environmental System is the equipment responsible for maintaining a thermal environment in the Coude lab compatible with the seeing requirements, and also providing air filtration for dust control.  In addition to the HVAC equipment, it includes the Coude lab ceiling system with integrated filtration and lighting, the wall finishes, and the air knife assembly.

    3.2     Visible Broadband Imager (VBI)

    The Visible Broadband imager is an imaging filtergraph that is operated between 393.4 nm and 656.3.  It is located in the Coude lab.

    3.2.1 VBI Blue Channel

    The VBI is separated into two distinct components (blue and red) because each has its own optical bench and each picks off its share of the beam at different locations along the science beam.  The blue channel operates between 393.4 nm and 486.1 nm.

    3.2 2 VBI Red Channel

    The VBI is separated into two distinct components (blue and red) because each has its own optical bench and each picks off its share of the beam at different locations along the science beam.  The red channel operates from 600 to 860 nm and is optimized for 656.3 nm.

    3.3      Visible Spectro-Polarimeter (ViSP)

    The ViSP is a grating-based slit spectrograph that provides polarimetric data in all four Stokes vectors, I, Q, U, and V.  By scanning the sun’s image perpendicular to the slit orientation it can produce IQUV images.  It is located in the Coude lab.

    3.4      Near-IR Spectro-polarimetry (NIRSP)

    Similar to the ViSP, Near-IR Spectro-polarimetry is accomplished using two distinct instrument packages, both located in the Coude lab.

    3.4.1 Diffraction Limited Near-IR Spectro-Polarimeter (DL-NIRSP)

    The DL-NIRSP is operated and room temperature and uses the deformable mirror and Coude bench light distribution following the DM. The wavelength range is 900nm to 2300nm.

    3.4.2 Cryogenic Near-IR Spectro-Polarimeter (Cryo-NIRSP)

    The Cryo-NIRSP is cryogenically cooled.   This is the primary coronal instrument, capable of high signal-to noise coronal spectro-polarimetry.

    3.5      Visible Tunable Filter (VTF)

    The Visible Tunable Filter is a narrow-band filtergraph that operates between 500 and 900 nm.  It provides diffraction-limited images as narrow as 3 pm and can perform full Stokes vector polarimetry.  It is located in the Coude lab.

    3.6      Camera Systems

    The Cameras WBS component includes the initial facility cameras required for commissioning of the VBI, ViSP, NIRSP-N, and VTF instruments. These cameras will be available to be used at the Coude and Nasmyth instruments as well as two context viewers. Spare cameras of each type are also included.

     DKIST provides cameras for all facility instruments to allow for a high level of standardization.

    3.6.1 Camera Hardware

    Camera hardware includes the camera heads, camera control computers, camera controllers, and camera cooling systems.  Note that the x-y-z stage that the camera mounts is provided by the individual instruments.

    3.6.2 Camera Software

    The camera software, also known as the virtual camera, produces frames that are derived from individual exposures from a physical camera or cameras.  These virtual images are, in general, fewer in number than the exposures coming from the camera thereby reducing the total data rate.  The frames are sometimes sums of exposures, or a selected subset of the exposures.  They may also be bursts of exposures taken at a cadence faster than can be handled by the bulk data transport and read out at a rate that can be handled.          

    WBS 4.0 High Level Controls and Software

    The High Level Controls and Software WBS element encompasses the means to control and coordinate observations performed with the telescope and instruments. This includes the lowest level servo or logic controller to the highest-level queue and scheduling processes.

    4.1 Common Services

    The Common Services provides software infrastructure required by all DKIST software systems.

    4.2 Observatory Control System (OCS)

    The OCS operates the observatory by creating and coordinating observations sent to the other systems. The OCS provides user interfaces, planning and scheduling, and observation management tools.

    4.3 Data Handling System (DHS)

    The DHS manages input data streams from the instruments. It provides the data flow mechanisms, data storage, archival, and retrieval, and data display.

    4.4 Telescope Control System (TCS)

    The TCS is responsible for the control of the telescope positioning and image quality. It operates associated subsystems, including the enclosure, mount, M1, M2, acquisition and guiding, and adaptive/active optics.

    4.5 Global Interlock System (GIS)

    The GIS provides a redundant, stand-alone safety mechanism for personnel and equipment.

    WBS 5.0 Enclosure

    The Enclosure is the large structure that surrounds and provides protection for the Telescope Assembly. It includes a variety of mechanical subassemblies, bogies, controllers, drives, and equipment that are used to point, track, and slew it in synch with the Telescope.

    WBS 6.0 Support Facilities and Buildings

    The Support Facilities and Buildings include Construction Services, Buildings, Facility Equipment, Coating and Cleaning Facilities, Handling Equipment, Interconnects and Services, and Facility Thermal Systems (FTS).

    6.1 Construction Services

    6.1.1 Geotechnical Testing

    After leveling the site or after excavation for the telescope pier, it may be considered necessary to do additional testing such as: borings & lab testing of samples at critical foundation areas; ground penetrating radar to find potential voids; or inspection and recommended treatment of the exposed rock substrate.

    6.1.2 Demolition and Clearing

    Removal of the following items that are in the area where the DKIST enclosure and S&O building will be constructed: the existing DKIST test tower and its foundations; the existing Mees cesspool; existing IfA weather station; Mees generator, existing low rock walls and walks extending out from the Mees facility.

     6.1.3 Major Earthwork

    Creation of a level pad for placement the DKIST facility and excavating pits for foundations. This work will consist of: removal of rock and soil using bulldozer, backhoe, trenchers and other standard large excavating equipment; breaking up of large rocks as required using jackhammers, hoe-ram, and other non-explosive means; auger drilling holes for caissons; transporting and depositing removed soil and rock to designated soil placement areas at Haleakala Observatory.

     6.1.4 Roads and Driveways

    Minor modification of the existing main access road north of the site. Construction of a paved service yard/parking area between the DKIST S&O Building the Utility Building and, the existing Mees facility.

     6.1.5 Utilities

    Connection from existing exterior utility infrastructure to new DKIST facility including: new primary electric feed from utility company substation; connection to existing fiber optic and telephone lines; connection to existing Mees domestic water cistern. Installation of new exterior utility systems including: wastewater treatment plant to serve DKIST and Mees facility and electrical grounding system. Also included are the trenching and materials necessary for the earth-electrode subsystem.

     6.1.6 Utility Chase

    An underground accessible trench to run power, water, data and other facility interconnects and services between the Utility Building and the S&O Building.

     6.1.7 Soil and Structural Reinforcement

    Special measures necessary due to subsoil conditions including: over-excavation and re-compaction at previous cesspool area; and installation of concrete caissons down to solid rock strata under pier and enclosure foundations.

     6.1.8 Construction Infrastructure

    Temporary on-site facilities necessary for construction including: contractors’ trailers, temporary utilities, construction crane(s), dumpsters, portable toilets, and special construction signage.

     6.2      Buildings

    6.2.1 Support and Operations Building

    The multi-story structure attached to the telescope enclosure that houses the control room, instrument preparation lab, mirror coating facility, mechanical equipment room and other support spaces that benefit from proximity to the telescope and Coude instrument lab.

     6.2.2 Utility Building

    The single-story building located remotely from the telescope enclosure that houses equipment that, for reasons of heat and vibration, are required to be separated from the telescope and scientific instruments.

     6.2.3 Lower Enclosure

    The Lower Enclosure includes the structure and wall system that interfaces to the ground and provides support to the enclosure azimuth track.

     6.2.4 Telescope Pier Assembly

    The telescope pier is a monolithic concrete foundation poured in place at the site. It includes interfaces to the Coude rotator and the mount via their respective azimuth track assemblies. The pier also includes the steel flooring and the LULA observatory lift.

    6.3      Facility Equipment

    6.3.1 General Outfitting and Furnishings

    This cost for furnishing the facility includes control room consoles (not including hardware), office equipment, furniture, shelving & cabinet work, shop equipment, break room equipment, appliances and other general building outfitting items.

     6.3.2 Environmental Monitoring

    This includes a weather station and GPS antenna to provide appropriate environmental data to the various observatory control systems.

     6.3.3 Generator

    A dedicated on-site generator and automatic transfer switch for soft shutdown and maintaining power to critical systems in the event of a primary power outage. The anticipated capacity of the generator would be ~300KVA, which would cover all UPS loads, keeping instruments cool or warm, stowing the  telescope, closing the dome, lighting, and all safety critical systems, but would not allow for the uninterrupted continuation of full observing operations.

     6.3.4 Uninterruptible Power Supplies (2)

    Two units to provide a total of ~100KVA of UPS power.

     6.3.5 Special Mechanical Equipment

    The cost for this special purpose equipment includes cryogenic cooling systems; glycol chillers for cooling the telescope, optics, heat stop, and enclosure; pumps and glycol systems; vacuum pump and air compressor.

    6.3.6 Tools and Special Equipment

    The cost for this item includes machine tools (e.g., mill, lathe), power tools (e.g. drills, grinders), welding tools (e.g. TIG and MIG welders), electronic/electrical tools (e.g. oscilloscopes, ESD equipment), hand tools (metric & SAE), and various cabinets, tool boxes and work benches.

    6.4      Coating and Cleaning Facilities

    6.4.1 Cleaning Station, Fixtures, Tooling

    This cost includes: a fixture for securing the M1 mirror in a tilted orientation, cleaning and stripping equipment, drainage system and holding tank for stripping fluids, compressed air delivery, rack of gas cylinders, handling trolleys, and miscellaneous specialized tools.

     6.4.2 Coating Chamber

    [No longer relevant; DKIST will recoat M1 primary at the Air Force facility AEOS.]

     6.5      Handling Equipment

    The Handling Equipment includes a jib crane and lift.

     6.5.1 Platform Lift

    A lift suitable for conveying the M1 assembly and large instruments to the various levels. It is assumed to be a non-personnel-rated, electric, 20-ton capacity, 19 ft. square platform lift, generally described by industry as a vertical reciprocating conveyor. The contract for this lift would include the platform, guide rails, power unit, controls and all necessary hardware. It would not include construction of the shaft-way, gates at each level, or excavation for the pit. These costs are incorporated into the S&O Building estimate.

    6.5.2 Handling Cranes

    This is for the interior building cranes that are used for various operational tasks, including the high-bay shipping and receiving area (e.g,. M1 handling), the instrument lab (e.g., instrumentation handling), and the Coude lab access monorail crane.

     This cost includes 2 cranes: a 20-ton bridge crane in the receiving and mirror handling area and a 5-ton monorail crane in the instrument lab. Both are assumed to be electric and include the trolleys, hoist, controls, and other necessary hardware. The cost for the primary support beams is incorporated into the S&O Building estimate.

    6.5.3 Personnel Access Equipment

    This is for the interior man lift that is used to access the interior of the enclosure, as well as the TMA mount, and other miscellaneous areas of the DKIST Observatory.

     6.6 Interconnects and Services

    6.6.1 System Interconnects

    System Interconnects are sets of pipes, hoses, cables, and other means of conveying utilities (e.g., power, chilled fluids, vacuum), network services, and the system time base from their source to any subsystem that requires them.

     Specialty system connects to facility services. Examples are networks, additional power for instruments, control signals for sensors, compressed air, and vacuum lines.

    6.6.2 IT Infrastructure

    IT Infrastructure includes the computer network, computers, telephone and videoconferencing.

    6.6.3 Grounding and Lightning Protection System

    This includes all grounding and transient/surge suppression devices, building and facilities grounding system tie-in to the earth electrode subsystem.

    6.7      Facility Thermal Systems

    6.7.1 Facility Plant Equipment

    The cost for this special purpose equipment includes cryogenic cooling systems; chillers to cool heat transfer fluids for cooling the telescope, optics, heat stop, and enclosure; pumps and heat transfer fluid systems; vacuum pump and air compressor. It covers the installation of the mechanical equipment and Primary Distribution piping in the Utility Building and to the standard HVAC in the S&O Building which is also included.

     6.7.2 Thermal Sub-Systems

    This includes major components of the FTS Secondary Distribution & Enclosure Thermal Systems, and the FTS Tertiary Distribution & TMA Thermal Systems.

     6.7.3 Facility Management System

    The Facility Management System (FMS) is the control software and hardware, instrumentation, monitoring devices, control elements, and distributed controls required to safely and economically monitor and operate facility special mechanical equipment and control site power demand.  This work package includes the procurement, fabrication, installation, and integration of the FMS.

     6.7.4 Facility Control System

    The FCS is the high-level control system that interprets and converts control commands from the OCS into commands for the low-level thermal control and status system.

    WBS 7.0 Remote Operations Building (ROB)

    The elements of the ROB include the Building Lease and Building Outfitting.


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