A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a tool used by project management and systems engineering to decompose a project into manageable components. It is typically organized into a hierarchical tree structure with clearly defined objectives and responsibilities.
The original Solidworks ePDM Vault SysDoc folder was organized around this structure. For example, the GIS is part of the high-level controls, WBS 4.5, so is found in the vault under DKIST File Vault > SysDocs > 4.0 Controls > 4.5 GIS.
The WBS may not necessarily correspond to how you are used to thinking about the various systems and subsystems. For example, the telescope mount and Coudé rotator are subassemblies of the telescope assembly. The M1 is a subassembly of the telescope mount although we often think of the M1 and the Coudé rotator as separate systems.
WBS 1.0 Telescope Assembly
The Telescope Assembly WBS element encompasses the telescope mount assembly, the M1 assembly, the Top End Optical Assembly (TEOA), the Feed Optics assemblies, the System Alignment equipment, and the Acquisition System.
WBS 2.0 Wavefront Correction
The wavefront correction system is comprised of two major elements: the adaptive optics (AO) system, and the active optics (aO) systems. Both AO and aO are part of the Wavefront Correction – Coudé (WFC-C). Also included in this subsystem are the Wavefront Correction Control System (WCCS), and the Wavefront Correction Limb Tracker.
WBS 3.0 Instrument Systems
Instrument Systems is comprised of the Instrument Lab Facility (ILF), a Visible Broadband Imager (VBI), Visible Spectro-Polarimeter (ViSP), Near-IR Spectro-Polarimeter (NIRSP), Visible Tunable Filter (VTF), and Camera Systems.
WBS 4.0 High Level Controls and Software
The High Level Controls and Software WBS element encompasses the means to control and coordinate observations performed with the telescope and instruments. This includes the lowest level servo or logic controller to the highest-level queue and scheduling processes.
WBS 5.0 Enclosure
The Enclosure is the large structure that surrounds and provides protection for the Telescope Assembly. It includes a variety of mechanical subassemblies, bogies, controllers, drives, and equipment that are used to point, track, and slew it in synch with the Telescope.
WBS 6.0 Support Facilities and Buildings
The Support Facilities and Buildings include Construction Services, Buildings, Facility Equipment, Coating and Cleaning Facilities, Handling Equipment, Interconnects and Services, and Facility Thermal Systems (FTS).
WBS 7.0 Remote Operations Building (ROB)
The elements of the ROB include the Building Lease and Building Outfitting.