It’s easier to find things if they are grouped together. Instead of placing everything at the root level have documents built into trees.
When trying to file and or file things it is a good practice to maintain consistency in naming. In general it is better to use the original name from construction drawings etc.
Preferred spelling examples:
Coude instead of Coudé, not correct but avoids that pesky acute symbol.
Kuebler instead of Kubler or Kübler, this follows Kübler’s English spell convention.
pFlow instead of P-Flow, this follows the manufacturer pFlow’s spelling and capitalization.
If your page deals with something that has common misspellings use them in the page or consider a redirect page under the misspelling.
It is best to follow the original project construction work breakdown structure when possible. Is it perfect, is it how we think about the project now, no; however, it is consistent.
Tags are useful for helping to find related documents. However, we need to have consistency in tag names.
Avoid capitalization. i.e. use gic instead of GIC.
multiple word tags should use underscores '_' not dashes '-'. ip_address not ip-address.
use the singular for the tag. i.e. ip_address not ip_addresses.
There are also two special tags “how-to” and “troubleshooting” that will automatically link to the pages
How-to articles and Troubleshooting