This page is to help identify issues with the operation on the telescope and corrective action.
Troubleshooting topics
Altitude Encoder Barcode Reader Fault (Electrical / Electronics)
Azimuth coherence sensors do not reliably indicate when passing the topple block (Electrical / Electronics)
Beckhoff PTP (IEEE 1588) Troubleshooting (Electrical / Electronics)
EMCS azimuth begins motion when ECS sends Tracking or PTP command (Electrical / Electronics)
Homing the Telescope Safety Encoders (Electrical / Electronics)
Kuebler Safety Encoder Reset (Electrical / Electronics)
Temporary Aperture Cover Bypass Procedure (Electrical / Electronics)
| |
1 | 4/19/22 | Mount did not go active | Aborted-Error 2 Az failed with error(-14) controller interlocked Alt failed with error(-14) controller interlocked Beckhoff error: external error
| Reset Phase guard in MDC2 (service ring) cycle 3p circuit breaker above unit. | Phase guard was replaced 7/26/21 continue to monitor. |
2 | 4/19/22 | M3 fault | aborted- Hardware exceeption when setting PI E-712 servo mode | Reset PI controller in PA&C rack. | IT working on ports may have caused issue. |
3 | 4/19/22 | Pflow Coude door stuck open | Pflow Coude lab Roll up door doesn’t close (stuck open) | Re-stripped switch wires and terminate | Switch wires oxidized |
4 | 10/17/22 | Mount Motor Drive Fault. | MDC2 Phase Guard fault. Reset and it cleared. |