ViSP -- Visible Spectropolarimeter
ViSP -- Visible Spectropolarimeter
The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) Visible Spectro-Polarimeter (ViSP) is a traditional slit-scanning spectrograph with the ability to observe solar regions up to a 120×78 arcsec2120×78 arcsec2 area. The design implements dual-beam polarimetry, a polychromatic polarization modulator, a high-dispersion echelle grating, and three spectral channels that can be automatically positioned. A defining feature of the instrument is its capability to tune anywhere within the 380 – 900 nm range of the solar spectrum, allowing for a virtually infinite number of combinations of three wavelengths to be observed simultaneously.
Top: 3D-model rendering of ViSP instrument on its optical tables. Bottom: top-down view of the optical layout of the instrument in the Science Verification configuration with components labeled.
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