2023 October
Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
Monthly Operations Report
Status as of Octber 31, 2023
Table of Contents
- 1 1. Science/Technical Highlight (Anyone)
- 2 2. Photos (Anyone)
- 3 3. Directorate (Thomas and Dave)
- 4 4. Science Operations (Ali and Andres)
- 5 5 Technical Operations (Heather and Paul)
- 6 6 Instrumentation Operations (Bret, Friedrich, and Dave H.)
- 6.1 6.1 Optics
- 6.2 6.2 Summit Instrumentation
- 6.2.1 6.2.1 Instrument Systems
- 6.2.2 6.2.2 Wavefront Correction System (WFS)
- 6.2.3 6.2.3 Visible Spectro-Polarimeter (ViSP)
- 6.2.4 6.2.4 Diffraction Limited Near-Infrared Spectro-Polarimeter (DL-NIRSP)
- 6.2.5 6.2.5 Cryogenic Near-Infrared Spectro-Polarimeter (Cryo-NIRSP)
- 6.2.6 6.2.6 Visible Broadband Imager
- 6.3 6.7 Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO)
- 6.4 6.8 High Level Software (HLS)
- 6.5 6.9 Infrared Cameras
- 7 7 Data Center Operations (Bob and Alisdair)
1. Science/Technical Highlight (Anyone)
A Paper entitled: DKIST Unveils the Serpentine Topology of Quiet Sun Magnetism in the Photosphere by R. Campbell et al. was accepted by the Astrophysical Journal Letters and published on October 1, 2023. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/acf85d/pdf
The research, led by Queen’s University Belfast, was carried out in partnership with an international group of experts from the National Solar Observatory, USA; the High Altitude Observatory, USA; California State University, Northridge, USA; the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany; the University of Sheffield, UK; and Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary. From their abstract:
“We present the first quiet Sun spectropolarimetric observations obtained with the Visible SpectroPolarimeter at the 4 m Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope. We recorded observations in a wavelength range that includes the magnetically sensitive Fe I 6301.5/6302.5 Å doublet. With an estimated spatial resolution of 0.08”, this represents the highest spatial resolution full-vector spectropolarimetric observations ever obtained of the quiet Sun. We identified 53 small-scale magnetic elements, including 47 magnetic loops and four unipolar magnetic patches, with linear and circular polarization detected in all of them. Of particular interest is a magnetic element in which the polarity of the magnetic vector appears to change three times in only 400 km and which has linear polarization signals throughout. We find complex Stokes V profiles at the polarity inversion lines of magnetic loops and discover degenerate solutions, as we are unable to conclusively determine whether these arise due to gradients in the atmospheric parameters or smearing of opposite-polarity signals.”
Shown below is Figure 2 from their paper with the serpentine-like feature shown in the top row:
2. Photos (Anyone)
Panorama of morning sky outside DKIST on October 20. Photo by L. Tarr.
3. Directorate (Thomas and Dave)
3.1 Activities
DKIST Cycle 3 call for proposals
A Solar News notification regarding the delayed timeline for Cycle 3 and the move to a new annual schedule for DKIST, which includes an extended winter engineering and maintenance period was published on Oct. 15, Vol. 2023 Number 20.
AURA Board of Directors meeting
The AURA Board of Directors met at NSO headquarters in Boulder Oct. 25-27
T. Rimmele and D. Boboltz participated in parts of the Board meeting
T. Rimmele made a presentation to the AURA Board in response to questions regarding DKIST
A meet and greet with NSO staff occurred on Oct. 26 with participation from DKIST staff
3.2 Financial Status
DKIST operations carried forward approximately $40.08M in unencumbered funds into FY 2023 from previous years. A total of $11.90M in new funding has been obligated by NSF thus far in FY 2023 for a total funding amount of $51.98M.
Financial status of Sep 30, 2023
DKIST operational expenditures for the current month were $3.75M
Total YTD expenditures for DKIST operations are $30.05M.
The average DKIST spending for FY 2023 (burn rate; BR) is $2.50M / month.
4. Science Operations (Ali and Andres)
4.1 Status of Observing
The fifth observing window (OCP2.5) opened on Sep 26, 2023 (and will close on Nov 3, 2023).
Oct 4, 2023 and Oct 25, 2023 were scheduled snow clean days and no observing was performed.
Oct 9, 2023 was a scheduled hand-over to technical operations to complete the partial cooling shutdown in preparation for the prioritized chiller 2 replacement and no observing was performed.
In the time frame Oct 11, 2023 through Oct 20, 2023 scheduled coordinated observations with Solar Orbiter were performed.
4.1.1 Regular Cycle Observing
Observing Window | Experiment ID | Observing Date | FIDO Configuration | Proposal Title |
OCP2.5 | eid_2_83 | Oct 3, 2023 | Cryo-NIRSP | Latitudinal Variation of Faint HeI 1083 nm Coronal Emission |
OCP2.5 | eid_2_8 | Oct 6, 2023 | Cryo-NIRSP | Unraveling the Interplay of Alfven Waves, Density Fluctuations, and Turbulence in the Quiet Solar Corona |
OCP2.5 | eid_2_14 | Oct 26, 2023 | FIDO 1b | Multi-height magnetic observations of a solar active region |
OCP2.5 | eid_2_59 | Oct 27, 2023 | FIDO 1b | Spectropolarimetric diagnostics of off-limb spicules from inversions of the Ca II 8542 A line |
OCP2.5 | eid_2_62 | Oct 30, 2023 | Cryo-NIRSP | Revealing the picture of coronal Alfvenic waves: exploring a new frequency regime with Cryo-NIRSP |
OCP2.5 | eid_2_3 | Oct 31, 2023 | Cryo-NIRSP | On the Physics of Prominence Cavities |
4.1.2 Solar Orbiter Co-Observing
In the time frame Oct 11, 2023 through Oct 20, 2023 the second testing exercise in coordination with Solar Orbiter was successfully executed during Solar Orbiters 11th Remote Sensing Window (RSW11). Specifically for this October exercise, IRIS and Hinode observations are available as well. Three programs (based on three proposals) were executed in this time frame as planned: a program using the Cryo-NIRSP only for off-limb observing of the corona when in quadrature configuration with Solar Orbiter, an on-disk VBI and ViSP program obtaining observations to study the long-term evolution of an Active Region, and an on-disk polar program (also using the VBI and ViSP) to study polar magnetic fields.
Observing Window | Experiment ID | Observing Date | FIDO Configuration | Proposal Title |
OCP2.5 | eid_2_112 | Oct 11, 2023 | Cryo-NIRSP |
OCP2.5 | eid_2_114 | Oct 12, 2023 Oct 13, 2023Oct 14, 2023Oct 16, 2023Oct 18, 2023Oct 19, 2023Oct 20, 2023 | FIDO 1b |
OCP2.5 | eid_2_113 | Oct 17, 2023 | FIDO 1b |
Coordination data. VBI Blue mosaic. Screenshot captured T. Schad.
4.1.3 Parker Solar Probe Co-Observing
4.2 Observing Planning
OCP2.5 is dedicated to the FIDO configuration 1b.
The DL is not operational and as such is not used during planning nor in any observations.
Short Term Planning (STP) meetings were prepared and held with the Resident Scientist team on Oct 6, 2023(STP2.5.3), Oct 16, 2023(STP2.5.4), Oct 20, 2023 (STP2.5.5), and Oct 27, 2023 (STP2.5.6). Short-Term-Planning meetings are held every Friday during an observing window starting the Friday prior opening of the respective observing window.
4.3 Science Operations Training Activities
Science Operations schedules two Science Operations Specialists (SOS), and one Resident Scientist (RS) to support daily science operations at the summit.
Two Boulder scientists participated in OCP2.5. The first scientist supported operations as a Resident Scientist for five days. The second scientist received remaining training as a Resident Scientist.
One Boulder Scientist completed the clean room training with the DKIST OptoMech Team.
4.4 Science Operations Specialists
Weekly meetings were prepared and held with the SOS team every Monday. Meetings were used to review last week’s operations experience, review problems, and share information within the team.
An SOS team member performed a DKIST Lunch and Learn presentation, “SOS Group Training Programs.”
4.5 Cycle Preparation
Preparations for Cycle 3 Call continue. Progress is very much dependent on the availability of staff members. Discussions with instrument scientists about instrumentation details have started but are pending feedback.
4.6 Experiment Generation
The Cycle 2 experiment generation process has been completed. Nothing new to report.
4.7 Science Operations Management
Science Operations Specialist hiring process:
Four of six Zoom interviews were completed. The Zoom interview process will be completed on Nov 3, 2023.
On Nov 6, 2023, the hiring committee will decide the three best candidates to continue the process. The next step is to invite the candidates to Maui to visit the telescope and meet the team.
Significant time has been spent in October on writing the science operations contribution to the Annual Progress Plan (APR).
Time was spent on working towards an improved high-level overview, planning, and tracking of science operations activities using the Confluence and Jira framework. This will be an ongoing process over the next months.
4.8 Science Operations Tools
Completed the first round of updates to the OT-OCS Interface Control Document (ICD) - The ICD was updated in significant ways as we learned from implementing and using the ICD during the OCP 1 and 2 Observing periods. The ICD change was major in that is modified, deleted, and added a number of messages in order to more efficiently transfer data and to add functionality that was not previously possible. The ICD changes are currently being reviewed by stakeholders
4.8.1 Management
5 Technical Operations (Heather and Paul)
5.1 Site & Facility Status
October is planned for continuation of on-sun operations, thus TechOps staff is distributed between Observing support roles, concurrent planned maintenance, repairs, and upgrades, and preparations for upcoming activities. Documentation of FY23 goals and accomplishments was submitted to DKIST directorate for the NSO Annual Report to NSF.
Numerous ongoing discussions with AURA Procurement regarding new requirements and contract procedural steps for ongoing TechOps efforts including but not limited to: wastewater system remediation, door 108A vestibule fabrication and construction, EV/PV Charging, Battery, and Auxiliary Building architectural and engineering design, and Systems Engineering services. Procurement department has issued renewed blanket purchase orders for FY24. Per their information, the process was much slower than usual as they were reassigned to support an accounts payable problem. Insurance cards for Maui Fleet vehicles were refreshed for the FY, and the process of trade-in for NSO/DKIST Maui’s first plugin hybrid is underway. Uncertainties regarding RTP/FTP, and the FY accounting change have slowed the transaction.
5.2 General Site & Facility Repairs, Improvements & Upgrades
Nothing new to report this period.
5.3 Electrical/Electronics/PLC and Facility Management System
5.3.1 Highlights of Recurring Preventative Maintenance Performed in October
Enclosure bogie lightning down-conductors. Machine Shop completed fabrication of new mounts designed & Tested by Mech team. Install/test by Elec Team - good to go.
post GES inspection cadweld completion
15KVA UPS Annual PM Test
Annual - Trapped Keys PM
Sourcing critical spares for PLCs, siemens drive spare vendor has gone dark and silent and another source may need to be identified.
5.3.2 System Repairs & Upgrades
Un-landed ground in primary apparatus was identified during a PM inspection. Urgent repair, for the first day after conclusion of this OCP is planned, as a full site shutdown is required.
Redlines - Mezzanine Attic work lighting augmentation
Elevator & LULA 3rd party inspections - unfortunately both of the qualified elevator inspectors hired identified further non-conformances relating to the elevator shaft, maintenance, and access control switches. We await the formal reports.
5.4 Mechanical/Thermal
As mentioned in September’s report, during OCP2.5 observing in late September and early October, the newly installed and commissioned Chiller 1 was utilized exclusively for facility cooling, with existing Chiller 2 available as a backup. After several weeks of stability and suitable performance, decommissioning and removal of the old chiller and installation of the new chiller 2 began. SciOps helpfully provided October 9th for Engineering and Maintenance in order to drain and valve off this area; the Cryo-NIRSP team also utilized this planned engineering/maintenance day for troubleshooting. Techops staff and safety worked a 13+ hour to ensure the facility was able to resume on-sun operations on October 10th. A reduced capacity of cooling, utilizing the ice tank “coolant battery” is sufficient to maintain a cold Cryo-NIRSP for a period of time, but not in parallel with on-sun efforts. Contractor site commissioning services are scheduled for December.
5.4.1 Highlights of Recurring Preventive Maintenance performed in October
Monthly PM - Domestic Water Pumps & Filter, Filter Feeders, process fluid pumps, Air Compressors and Dryers
Annual PM - Unit Heaters
Semi-Annual PM - Dynalene Fill Tank
Quarterly PM - Heat Exchangers, Air Compressors, Fan Coils.
Repairs of excess Fan Coil vibration and noise, improved balancing, and rework of I/O with support of EE.
In November, the heat exchanger will be removed for repair or refurbishment. It will also be assessed for vibration mitigation improvements planned for the full suite of coude control cabinets.
5.4.2 System Repairs & Upgrades
5.5 Opto-Mechanical
Recurring PM - Snow clean TL Optics as environmental conditions (Relative Humidity %) permitted.
M3 coolant channel hydraulic test, conducted by Opto-Mech and Mech-Thermal team, passed. Coating cleaning tests chemical and polymer approaches. The Optical System Scientist is obtaining quotes for strip/recoat, with logistics to be managed by TechOps.
The removed prime focus heat stop was cleaned, packaged, and sent to Boulder colleagues for further testing and assessment for refurbishment by InstOps team.
The M2 Fast Tip-Tilt stage was tested for upcoming integration of the limb tracker. Our Opto-Mechanical engineer analyzed the performance and identified a solution that should work for the WFC operations.
Vibration testing of CES in collaboration with FTS
5.6 Management
5.6.1 Recruitment & Training
An offer for Maintenance Technician was made to our selected candidate; he has accepted and will be starting on Nov 6, 2023.
We had one initial phone interview with a mechanical technician candidate, no new suitable ETech or MTech supervisor
EPA 608 Refrigerant Handling training for TechOps engineers and technicians
Delta-Tau training for TechOps, InstOps engineers and technicians
5.6.2 Environmental Safety & Health
No OSHA Incidents, Accidents or near hits were reported this month
First Aid, AED, and CPR Refresher training is in progress for new hires and staff due for renewal.
5.6.3 Observatory Community Service, Broadening Participation
TechOps staff is preparing abstracts for next summer’s bi-annual SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation Conference, for which TechOps staff serve as session chair and committee members
Optical Washing Process and Results Lunch and Learn presentation was given to DKIST staff by TechOps Optical Engineer.
Briefing of ESO Engineers & Scientists, and Q&A on a mutual contractor’s performance history
6 Instrumentation Operations (Bret, Friedrich, and Dave H.)
6.1 Optics
6.1.1 System Optics
6.1.2 Facility Instrument Distribution Optics (FIDO)
The GS30T500 stress test coatings were completed on 4” diameter substrates The spectral reflectivity showed the coating design was successful and is now considered final. Interferometry on both surfaces as well as in transmission were collected to measure the coating stress.
6.1.3 Polarization Analysis and Calibration (PA&C)
Coating development is progressing on the fringe-suppressed Cryo-NIRSP modulator upgrade project for the 1080nm and 1430nm bands. Multiple additional coating test runs were done and show <0.2% reflectivity. The team will continue to attempt fabrication of fringe suppressed modulator at specific spectral line wavelengths.
The MgF2 optical contact bonding post-fluid-jet-deterministic-polish (FJP) was successful. Meadowlark did to a contact bond with only a few small non-contact patches across the aperture. Given that the first round of polishing results seem to indicate some anomalous polishing rates and/or non-uniform material properties, we proceed to another round of fluid jet polish on the second crystal in the retarder pair.
Coatings for to-be-optically-contacted MgF2 for a fringe-suppressed infrared-capable Cryo-NIRSP modulator continue to be a struggle at one particular vendor. A few coating development tests were inconclusive. Given the schedule and performance requirements, the DKIST team is exploring alternate vendors. Interactions with one vendor yielded a theoretical coating model that would meet fairly stringent reflectivity requirements at all 8 Cryo-NIRSP filter wavelengths. We are working to scope a development and coating verification project with this new vendor on these very delicate to-be-contact-bonded MgF2 retarder crystals.
The upgraded NDSP lab spectropolarimeter on Maui was used to measure Mueller matrix and spectral retardance spatial maps on a set of five 98x58mm retarders delivered from the vendor. This retarder is part of the ViSP beam balancing project for mitigation of grating induced polarization using DKIST-team created retarder designs. The pair of retarders must match performance as a required part of this upgrade project. Unfortunately, 3 of the 5 new retarders fail both spectral and sptial performance requirements. They have been returned for re-building. The DKIST team played an active part in the failure analysis, and assessing some manufacturing process improvements. The absolute orientation was successfully verified with Maui based lab metrology as the smaller (98x58mm) retarders did match optic-axis pairing with the very large (160x90mm) retarders.
6.2 Summit Instrumentation
6.2.1 Instrument Systems
Analysis of the Vibrometer data sets from September 7th and 8th is ongoing. This includes comparisons between the Vibrometer mounted on the ViSP bench, wavefront telemetry data, and mechanical accelerometer data taken in coordination with TechOps team. The air handling units (AHUs) were run at various speeds and various equipment was switched off/on. Open and closed Tip/Tilt control system loop and DM control system loops is allowing a comparison of vibration suppression within the wavefront correction system and the ViSP insrument. Tapping of several coude mirror mounts shows impulse responses. Data analysis is ongoing.
The November/December engineering plan has been created for instrumentation work during this period. The Instrument Group is planning to use multiple weekends for engineering tasks.
6.2.2 Wavefront Correction System (WFS)
6.2.3 Visible Spectro-Polarimeter (ViSP)
6.2.4 Diffraction Limited Near-Infrared Spectro-Polarimeter (DL-NIRSP)
A diffused, F/24 fiber based synthetic beam alignment setup for MISI-36 (36µm Machined Image Slicer IFU) has been finalized. The laser safety discussions showed a suitable laser for DL arm2 was not available. The team assessed various gas discharge arc lamp alternate solutions and included a Xenon spectral lamp. The optics were also adjusted for magnification, laser beam depolarization using a stack of liquid crystal polymer type depolarizers, and F/ number control via aperture masking. Tip/tilt and translation mounts for fine adjustment of the optical beam pointing were assembled.
Ellipsometric and IR transmission measurements from an outside vendor on the cold H band and JY band filters was received for comparison with other IR transmission measurements performed by DL scientists.
6.2.5 Cryogenic Near-Infrared Spectro-Polarimeter (Cryo-NIRSP)
Ellipsometric and IR transmission measurements from an outside vendor on a set of cold filters as well as coating witness samples was received for comparison with other IR transmission measurements performed by the various coating vendors.
6.2.6 Visible Broadband Imager
Improvements on the prototype dichroic blocking filters for VBI-Blue were done with a coating vendor. Given the vendor struggles on short-wavelength coating throughput limitations, alternate vendors were identified using a new SPEC document. The DKIST team worked with vendors to ensure that our tight transmitted wavefront specs would be met even with diced-wafer type coating substrates. The successful alternate vendor made and provided transmission measurements for particular wafers to be used in our project as part of the bidding process. A PO is likely coming in early November.
6.7 Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO)
6.8 High Level Software (HLS)
6.9 Infrared Cameras
7 Data Center Operations (Bob and Alisdair)
7.1 Hardware Infrastructure
Continued integrating Buy#4 and Buy #% hardware into the Data Center as it gets delivered. Ther is still a ways to go before all of it is racked/stacked and integrated.
7.2 Software Infrastructure
7.2.1 Data Center
Completed the Metadata-Store-API update. This was a major 2 months long effort that changed the library that served as the core framework for the graphql server (the DC internal data access layer). We did this because the old core framework was no longer an active project and was therefore atrophying which left it unmaintained and worse, pinning old versions of dependent libraries that were becoming increasingly vulnerable. Moving to “Strawberry” put us on a active, vibrant project that is well maintained, and pins other well maintained libraries whose security vulnerabilities are patched. Strawberry also integrates with the web technology (FastAPI) we use for our other ReST services which served to consolidate the things we need to know/understand to operate the data center services. There were performance improvements which made many of the integration tests faster though the overall test suite runtime was not impacted since the graphql api wasn’t the bottleneck. The Update left us more secure and able to move forward into the future with supported and maintained technologies.
7.2.2 Portal/Archive/Public
Generated and presented talks at the Data, Analysis, and Software in Heliophysics (DASH) and the International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance (IHDEA) conference. Talks discussed DKIST data and the DKIST pipeline infrastructures.
7.3 Science Data Processing
7.3.1 Calibration Pipelines
Continued working on the DL-NIRSP pipeline, iterating with the DL-NIRSP science team to update the pipeline based on their comments. Thisis a long running effort that will not be completed until the DL-NIRSP hardware is in its final state.
Continued working with the Cryo -NIRSP science team in the Cryo-NIRSP pipeline acceptance. The DC has updated the pipeline based on reviews of the data by the science team, and continues to update and rerun data through the pipeline as improvements are implemented
7.3.1 Data Released
There were 9 new Datasets that were created and 36 Datasets were made public
DataSets Released to PIs
proposalID | Instrument | ObserveDate | CreateDate | EmbargoEndDate | Count |
pid_2_14 | VISP | 2023-09-27 | 2023-10-07 | 2024-04-06 | 2 |
2023-10-08 | 2024-04-06 | 1 | |||
pid_2_84 | VBI | 2023-08-29 | 2023-10-31 | 2024-03-16 | 6 |
Datasets Made Public
proposalID | Instrument | ObserveDate | CreateDate | EmbargoEndDate | Count |
pid_1_37 | VBI | 2022-09-30 | 2023-09-14 | 2023-10-24 | 2 |
2023-09-15 | 2023-10-24 | 2 | |||
VISP | 2022-09-30 | 2023-04-25 | 2023-10-24 | 1 | |
2022-10-14 | 2023-04-26 | 2023-10-24 | 1 | ||
pid_1_78 | VBI | 2022-12-30 | 2023-04-22 | 2023-10-20 | 2 |
VISP | 2022-12-30 | 2023-06-15 | 2023-10-20 | 1 | |
2023-06-16 | 2023-10-20 | 2 | |||
2023-06-18 | 2023-10-20 | 2 | |||
2023-06-22 | 2023-10-20 | 1 | |||
pid_1_80 | VBI | 2022-05-23 | 2023-05-04 | 2023-10-24 | 4 |
VISP | 2022-04-15 | 2023-04-25 | 2023-10-24 | 1 | |
2023-04-26 | 2023-10-24 | 1 | |||
2022-05-23 | 2023-04-25 | 2023-10-24 | 1 | ||
2023-04-26 | 2023-10-24 | 2 | |||
2023-04-27 | 2023-10-24 | 1 | |||
pid_1_89 | VBI | 2022-12-29 | 2023-04-21 | 2023-10-20 | 3 |
VISP | 2022-12-29 | 2023-06-15 | 2023-10-20 | 6 | |
2023-06-16 | 2023-10-20 | 3 |