01 - Processing Support

01 - Processing Support

Design Diagram

The Processing Support data store consists of a relational database supported by the open source RDBMS, Postgres (https://www.postgresql.org/). The majority of the read/writes are infrequent, with one exception for the recording of actual counts when ingesting science frames. 

Table NameDescription
dataset_catalog_receipt_accountAggregation table for expected and actual frames ingested, grouped by dataset_id
frame_receipt_accountView combining the expected and actual frame receipts via a left outer join. 
frame_receipt_actualTable accumulating the actual frame counts by observing program execution ID
frame_receipt_expectedManifest of the expected frame counts per observing program execution ID
input_datasetInput frames and parameter values either planned for use or used in a recipe run
instrumentValid instruments
parameterParameters that can be used in processing
parameter_typeValid parameter types
parameter_valueValues for processing parameters
processing_candidateObserving program and related metadata that will be calibrated
processing_candidate_calibrationObserving program(s) that will be used to calibrate a processing candidate
processing_candidate_viewA view of the processing candidate that includes aggregation information about associated recipe instances
recipeSpecification of a workflow and parameters
recipe_configurationDefault configurations used by recipes
recipe_instanceAn instance of a recipe for a particular set of input data
recipe_instance_viewA view of recipe instances that includes the aggregations of total and complete Recipe Runs associated with each instance
recipe_instrumentInstruments that are valid for a particular recipe
recipe_parameterParameters that are valid for a particular recipe
recipe_runA record of the execution of a recipe instance
recipe_run_provenanceA record of code, workflow and input data version information for a Recipe Run referenced on all processed frames
recipe_run_statusA list of valid statuses for the Recipe Runs

Key Concept: Processing Statuses

The Recipe Run is the only object with a state in the Processing Support data model, though it will be common to ask state questions of Processing Candidates. Processing Candidates are related to Recipe Runs via a Recipe Instance and can have their state questions answered either with a boolean attribute on the Processing Candidate or as a function of its related Recipe Run statuses.

Processing Candidate


(is_locked = False)


(is_locked = True)


(Calculated as having 1+ Recipe Instances without completed successfully Recipe Runs)


(Calculated as having all Recipe Instances with 1+ completed successfully Recipe Runs)

Recipe InstanceNA

Recipe Run

ReadyScheduledFailedCompleted SuccessfullyCompleted UnsuccessfullyCancelledIn Progress

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