Where to find things

Where to find things

Where do I find files, documents, drawings, etc.?

As the project has evolved so has our tracking and storage of various files, documents, and drawings. This results in applicable documents that can possible be archived in numerous locations. This requires a little history lesson.


This is the official, original document archive for DKIST then-ATST. If you are looking for original design documents for the the facility and sub-systems this is the best place to start looking.

Under the SysDocs folder, you will find subdirectories arranged to follow the Work Breakdown Structure for the project. For example, the GIS is WBS 4.5 which can be found under the folder 4.0 Controls in the sub-folder 4.5 GIS.

Most of the information in these files stopped being updated when construction began in earnest. Generally, they have information up to the final design review, many do contain factory acceptance tests and even site acceptance tests.


During construction, the need to share and disseminate files with those outside the project led to Dropbox being used to contain files, documents, and drawings used or created during construction. If you are looking for construction redlines this is a good place to start.

The Dropbox grew organically and without overall coordination. Therefore naming conventions and locations are a little more haphazard. Sometimes a folder was created for a specific task but was then used for a general collection space.

An example of this is many Enclosure files are in \Dropbox (DKIST)\DKIST-DWE-Enclosure-WORKING DOCS which was original intended to just hold DKIST and DuWatt Electircal (DWE) collaboratives files. But this is now filled with Enclosure control system schematics, panel schedules, testing data, and more.

A distinct disadvantage of Dropbox is that not everyone has access to every file. If you can’t find ask other personnel (usually those that were around at the time) if they might have access.


The latest and greatest repository for files, documents, and drawings. While there may not be that many documents currently in confluence, we are constantly adding links to existing files (Vault and Dropbox) and adding to files and documents.

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