Cycle 2: CryoNIRSP IPC Installation Issues

Cycle 2: CryoNIRSP IPC Installation Issues

As mentioned in the proposal call, using the CryoNIRSP IPC for Cycle 2 proposals is not required.

The Cryo IPC is in the process of being updated, both to fix software issues and also to incorporate more of the as-built performance aspects. The existing IPC can be helpful to explore the instrument configuration parameters for particular settings, as well as some estimates for signal-to-noise. However, please note the statements in the proposal call emphasizing that the Cryo IPC calculations are not 100% accurate, and for coronal cases, there are many elements that affect the final signal-to-noise.

We have seen issues with the Cryo installation from other users. We recommend downgrading astropy in your conda environment as follows:

conda env create -f cnIpcEnv.yml
conda activate cnIpcEnv
conda install astropy==4.0.1.post1

The source of this issue lies in the CryoNIRSP IPC use of an older version of Sunpy which itself relies on an older version of Astropy.


The CryoNIRSP IPC for Cycle 2 proposals is not required. If you want to use the IPC for your own explorations and you run into issue, please follow the instructions to downgrade astropy in your conda environment. For further assistance, please file a DKIST Help Desk request.

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