DKIST Cycle 2: Known issues/problems with proposal preparation

DKIST Cycle 2: Known issues/problems with proposal preparation

The DKIST 2nd Call for Proposal is open from June 8, 2022 to August 8, 2022. The DKIST Help Desk has received a number of tickets from users who reported similar issues. We have summarized them here and have pointed to workarounds and what can be done if you are still having problems.

Issue Summary

Further Information


Issue Summary

Further Information


Cryo-NIRSP IPC tool installation issues

Cycle 2 Cryo-NIRSP IPC Installation Issues

Note: Cryo-NIRSP IPC usage is not required in Cycle 2.

Please follow the instructions to downgrade astropy in your conda environment.

FIDO and VBI IPC tool errors on Mac M1 chip machines

The FIDO tool and the VBI IPC tools cannot be run on a Mac with an M1 chip (the newest technology) as it is incompatible with Java. The runtime error seen reported is:

Loading library prism_es2 from resource failed: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library:

We ask that users use a different machine to run these DKIST tools, or a Linux VM, or under Parallels-Windows architectures. If you need assistance, please submit a ticket using the DKIST Help Desk.

ViSP IPC tool runtime error on a Mac

Cycle 2: ViSP IPC Runtime Issues with XQuartz on a Mac

The error is due to an incompatibility between IDL 8.5 and the installed XQuartz version.

Instructions are provided on how to downgrade XQuartz.


Some proposals cannot be cloned.

We have fixed a problem related to cloning. However, not all proposals can be cloned. If you do not see a “Clone” button at the top right when viewing your proposal, then this feature is not available for either that proposal type or the state in which the proposal is currently set to. In general, proposals that are in the DRAFT, FINALIZED or NOT_ACCEPTED state can be cloned. Note that Co-Investigators cannot clone proposals, only PI’s can clone their proposals.

If you are unable to clone a proposal, we recommend using two browser windows, side by side, and copy/paste from one proposal to another.

Proposal Architect tool access is denied when on a NASA VPN

Some VPN’s and anti-virus software may interfere with use of the PA.

Please shut down your NASA VPN when using the DKIST Proposal Architect.

Proposal Call Guide PDF file unreadable on an iPad using Acrobat Reader.

If you are on an iPad, Tablet or a phone, and the Proposal Call Guide is not readable on your PDF viewer, please switch to a computer or laptop to view the file.

Please use a different machine such as a laptop of desktop to view the Proposal Call Guide PDF file.

The Proposal Architect tool does not work on Internet Explorer

The PA only works on more recent editions of Firefox, Chrome (and Chromium-based, such as Edge), and Safari browsers. Internet Explorer is not supported.

Please use a different browser than Internet Explorer when using the DKIST Proposal Architect tool.

Safari prompts user for a password on non-password fields

Safari may stubbornly prompt for passwords for some non-password fields. This in the Proposal Architect “Browse Proposal” area. You may safely ignore it.

Please ignore all prompts for a password from the Proposal Architect. The only password needed is when logging into Globus to use the Proposal Architect.

The Proposal Architect tool does not work on a cellphone

Small phone screens are not supported, although they may be possible to use.

Please use a 13 inch screen or larger when using the Proposal Architect to ensure visibility of all fields and buttons.



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