GIS Alarms

GIS Alarms

There are a number of alarms in the GIS that will 'pop-up' a banner on the HMI indicating a major fault or interlock. These are generally of an urgent nature. These are generally also immediately interlock one or more observatory systems or subsystems.









Telescope Altitude Overspeed

Telescope Altitude Axis has exceeded the maximum allowable speed.

  1. Investigate cause.

  2. GIS reset.


Telescope Altitude Stop Ramp Violation

Telescope Altitude Axis did not decelerate as expected during a Safe Stop 1 event.

  1. Investigate cause of Safe Stop 1 trigger.

  2. Investigate cause of failure to decelerate.

  3. Reset Telescope Altitude Axis encoder.

  4. GIS reset.


Telescope Azimuth Overspeed

Telescope Azimuth Axis has exceeded the maximum allowable speed.

  1. Investigate cause.

  2. GIS reset.


Telescope Azimuth Stop Ramp Violation

Telescope Azimuth Axis did not decelerate as expected during a Safe Stop 1 event.

  1. Investigate cause of Safe Stop 1 trigger.

  2. Investigate cause of failure to decelerate.

  3. Reset Telescope Azimuth Axis encoder.

  4. GIS reset.


Telescope Azimuth Upper Final Limit Exceeded

Telescope Azimuth Axis upper final limit has been exceeded.

  1. Investigate cause.

  2. Telescope end-of-travel limit possibly needs reset as well.

  3. Manual move telescope out of limit.

  4. Reset GIS.


Telescope Azimuth Lower Final Limit Exceeded

Telescope Azimuth Axis lower final limit has been exceeded.

  1. Investigate cause.

  2. Telescope end-of-travel limit possibly needs reset as well.

  3. Manual move telescope out of limit.

  4. Reset GIS.


Telescope Altitude Upper Final Limit Exceeded

Telescope Altitude Axis upper final limit has been exceeded.

  1. Investigate cause.

  2. Manual move telescope out of limit.

  3. Reset GIS.


Telescope Altitude Lower Final Limit Exceeded

Telescope Altitude Axis lower final limit has been exceeded.

  1. Investigate cause.

  2. Manual move telescope out of limit.

  3. Reset GIS.


Coude Rotator Emergency Stop

One of the Emergency Stop devices connected to the Coude LIC has been activated or has faulted. An additional alarm should be present that indicates which Emergency Stop device is the source.

Possible sources are:

  • one of ten possible emergency stop push buttons located around the Coude rotator

  • the hand-held device (HHD) connected to one of seven HHD connection boxes


Coude Platform Left E-Stop Button Pressed

The emergency stop push button located on the left Coude Platform HHD connection box has been activated or has faulted.

  1. Determine cause.

  2. Reset Emergency Stop Device by rotating switch counter-clockwise.

  3. GIS Reset.


Coude Platform Right E-Stop Button Pressed



Coude Room E-Stop Button Pressed



Mezzanine Left E-Stop Button Pressed



Mezzanine Right E-Stop Button Pressed



Coude Cable Wrap Outer E-Stop Button Pressed



Coude Cable Wrap Inner E-Stop Button Pressed



Coude Cable Wrap Rope Pull E-Stop Cable Pulled



Coude Cable Wrap Inner CHS1-JB E-Stop Button Pressed



Coude Cable Wrap Inner CHS2-JB E-Stop Button Pressed



Coude Platform Right HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Coude Platform Left HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Coude Room HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Mezzanine Left HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Mezzanine Right HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Coude Cable Wrap Outer HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 401 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 402 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 403 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 404 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 501 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 502 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 503 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 504 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 601 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 602 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 201 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 202 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 301 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 302 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 303 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 304 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 305 Pressed



Enclosure HMI Pendant E-Stop Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 701 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 801 Pressed



Enclosure E-Stop 901 Pressed



Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Mount HHD Box Telescope Platform Left E-Stop Button Pressed



Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Mount HHD Box Telescope Platform Right E-Stop Button Pressed



Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Mount HHD Box Nasmyth Platform Left E-Stop Button Pressed



Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Mount HHD Box Nasmyth Platform Right E-Stop Button Pressed



Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Mount HHD Box Service Ring Left E-Stop Button Pressed



Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Mount HHD Box Service Ring Right  E-Stop Button Pressed



Telescope Mount Overall E-Stop Rope Switch E-Stop Cable Pulled



Telescope Mount Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Mount HHD Box Cable Wrap Outer E-Stop Button Pressed



Telescope Mount Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Mount HHD Box Cable Wrap Inner E-Stop Button Pressed



Telescope Mount Overall E-Stop Pushbutton OSS Platfrom Left E-Stop Button Pressed



Telescope Mount Overall E-Stop Pushbutton OSS Platfrom Right  E-Stop Button Pressed



Telescope Mount Overall E-Stop Pushbutton M1 Mirror Cover Control Panel E-Stop Button Pressed



Telescope Mount Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Bridge 1 Control Panel E-Stop Button Pressed



Telescope Mount Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Bridge 2 Control Panel E-Stop Button Pressed



Azimuth Axis Telescope Platform Left HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Altitude Axis Telescope Platform Left HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Azimuth Axis Telescope Platform Right HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Altitude Axis Telescope Platform Right HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Azimuth Axis Nasmyth Platform Left HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Altitude Axis Nasmyth Platform Left HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Azimuth Axis Nasmyth Platform Right HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Telescope Mount Altitude Axis Nasmyth Platform Right HHD E-Stop Button Pressed



Telescope Mount Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Mount HHD Box Service Ring Left E-Stop Button Pressed



Telescope Mount Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Mount HHD Box Service Ring Right E-Stop Button Pressed



Telescope Mount Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Mount HHD Box Cable Wrap Outer E-Stop Button Pressed



Telescope Mount Overall E-Stop Pushbutton Mount HHD Box Cable Wrap Inner E-Stop Button Pressed



GIC connection is not present

GIC processor is on-line and contains a program.

Possible causes:

  • Network failure

  • Controller failure

    • controller not running

    • no program loaded


Telescope LIC is not present

Telescope LIC is not available.


Control Room Emergency Stop Pressed


({[GIC]OSS_HeatStop_PressureOK}==0) AND ({[GIC]LightPath_Blocked}==0)

Heat Stop Pressure too low

Coolant pressure to the heat stop is too low.

{[GIC]OSS_HeatStop_TemperatureOK}==0 AND ({[GIC]LightPath_Blocked}==0)

Heat Stop Temperature too high

Coolant temperature to the heat stop is too high.


Safety Shutter failed to close

The safety shutter was commanded to close but failed to do so in the expected time.


M1 Cover failed to close

M1 Cover was commanded to close but failed to do so in the expected time.


GIC commanded Safety Shutter to close

The safety shutter has been commanded to close by the GIS.


GIC commanded M1 Cover to close

The M1 cover has been commanded to close by the GIS.


GIC commanded Aperture Cover to close

The Aperture Cover has been commanded to close by the GIS.


Aperture Cover failed to close

The Aperture Cover was commanded to close but failed to do so in the expected time.


Seismic Activity Detected (sensor 1)



Seismic Activity Detected (sensor 2)



Coude Speed Limit Violation



Coude Rotator Upper Final Limit Exceeded



Coude Rotator Lower Final Limit Exceeded



Coude Rotator Hard Stops are not OK



Coude Rotator Cable Wrap Mis-alignment (lower)



Coude Rotator Cable Wrap Mis-alignment (upper)



Enclosure E-Stop 406 Pressed



Redundant Power Supply Failure in GIC cabinet

One of the redundant power supplies in the GIC cabinet has failed.

Repair or replace power supply as soon as practical.


Facilities Fire Alarm Activated. Evacuate Immediately.

Why are you reading this? The building is on fire!

  1. Get out!!!

  2. After you are sure there is no fire. Reset FACP.

  3. Reset GIS


Redundant Ethernet Ring Failure. Check network connections.

There is a failure within the safety network’s redundant Ethernet ring.

Investigate and repair as soon as practical.


Telescope Azimuth Safety Encoder not homed

The Telescope Azimuth AB safety encoder has not been homed.

  1. Home telescope safety encoder.

({[GIC]FOV_Configuration_OK} OR {[GIC]LightPath_Blocked})==0

Wrong Field-of-View Selected

An inconsistent instrument configuration has been selected.

Configure the GOS and instrument to an acceptable configuration.

  • Cryo-NIRSP Large FOV

    • GOS 5 arcminute

    • M9A deployed

    • DLFM1 stowed

  • Cryo-NIRSP Small FOV

    • GOS 2.8 arcminute

    • M9A deployed

    • DLFM1 stowed

  • Small FOV

    • GOS 2.8 arcminute

    • M9A Stowed

    • DLFM1 stowed


Telescope Altitude Safety Encoder not homed

The Telescope Altitude AB safety encoder has not been homed.

  1. Home telescope safety encoder.


Heat Stop Fuse Wire melted

The Heat Stop Fuse Wire has melted.

  1. Replace Heat Stop Fuse Wire.


Heat Stop Fuse Wire faulted



Heat Stop Overtemp 1 & 2



Heat Stop Overtemp 3 & 4



M5 Overtemp


({[GIC]OSS_HeatStop_ShutterOpen}  OR  {[GIC]LightPath_Blocked})==0

Safety Shutter not fully open

Safety shutter was not fully opened while concentrated light was present.

  1. Fully open safety shutter.

  2. Reset GIS.


Heat Absorber Overtemp 5&6 



Heat Absorber Overtemp 7&8



Grand Master Clock in not locked

The Telescope LIC PTP clock is no longer synced to the Grandmaster clock.

  1. Investigate PTP clock system.


Grand Master Clock in holdover

The Telescope LIC PTP clock is no longer synced to the Grandmaster clock but is still with tolerance.

  1. Investigate PTP clock system as soon as practical.

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