How to navigate the Help Desk Website

This page provides a guide for navigating the the DKIST Help Desk from the main page.


The top section of the main page displays a banner of DKIST. In this section, There are three interactables.

  1. In the top left, the logos for NSF, NSO, DKIST, and AURA logos. Clicking these icons will navigate back to this page from any other page in the Help Desk.

  2. The top right is where users are able to log in. When logged in, this becomes the user’s icon, where a user’s profile is accessible and the log out option, as well as a “Requests” button which allows any user to view all requests.

  3. The center of the banner has the search bar, allowing users to search the Help Desk for articles.

  4. The middle section of this page is an informational panel. This displays the current proposal deadline and provides some brief explanations on featues accessible from this main page.

  5. This information panel also contains a link to the Knowledgebase.

  6. The bottom section of the main page has different topics for submitting a question or request.


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