• In progress
  • Kuebler Safety Encoder Reset

    Overspeed Reset

    The mount and Coudé main axis have their speed monitored by the Kuebler Safety Encoders. While it should not be possible to command speeds greater than allowable limits it is possible that the Overspeed Monitoring may be tripped.

    GIS Coudé Azimuth display show overspeed tripped

    When this happens the Kuebler must be reset prior to resuming operations. This should be possible using the HMI engineering screen. On the right side there is a button that indicates that a reset is required and also serves as the reset button.

    GIS Engineering display showing Coudé Encoder reset required

    To reset the safety encoder manually access the GIS subrack in cabinet CCC located the Coude ‘Rec Room’. The button is located just above the 7-segement LED. The button is labeled as ‘Function.’ Using the Kuebler Betätigungsstift Set-Taste or other suitable actuator, such as a pen, depress and release the ‘Function’ button.

    Do not use a pencil as the tip may break off and jam the button.

    After pressing the reset button and successfully resetting the safety encoder the 7-segment display will show '4' which indicates the safety encoder is working properly.

    If reset does not work successfully attempt to reset by cycling power to the safety encoder. If power cycle does not successfully reset the safety encoder additional troubleshooting will be required.

    The GIS will also need to be reset via one of the HMI (either utility level or control room).

    Encoder Faulted

    If the Kuebler safety encoder goes into alarm or fault it will cause multiple interlocks to be tripped, including: both final limits faulted, Hard Stops not OK, Speed Limit Exceeded, and Stop Ramp violation as shown below.

    The process to reset the Kuebler should be the same as above.