2024 November 18 - 22

2024 November 18 - 22

DKIST General

Operational Status

  • DKIST is in week 2 of engineering period 2024e


  • DKIST hosted a tour from the Postsecondary International Network (PIN) educators of which UH Maui College is a member institution. We had about roughly 25 members take the tour. After the tour, the group had lunch and meeting discussions at the DKIST Science Support Center. Thanks go to Paul Jeffers, Brialyn Onodera, Lucas Tarr, Gary Candido, Terran Carter, and Jacqueline Ray for their efforts in making this happen.

Postsecondary International Network touring DKIST. Photo by Dave Boboltz
  • A Pau Hana was held for the Maui Office on Thursday Nov. 21. We wished farewell (sort of) to Chriselle Galapon Nagata who will be taking a position as the Program Director of the Akamai Workforce Initiative, but will have an office in the DSSC.

Pau Hana at the DSSC. Photo by Rossel Crichlow


  • Chriselle Galapon Nagata has taken a position as the Program Director for the Akamai Workforce Initiative. Chriselle will continue to work for DKIST in a seasonal consultant role, and in her new role, will be keeping an eye out for the best Akamai interns for favorite partner DKIST.

SciOps and OpsTools team


  • SciOps members are testing the new DKIST Operations Planning and Monitoring Tool. The feedback will be used to implement improvements in functionalities and user experience.

  • Preparing new Experiment Architect Tool release for next week.

  • Francisco Salinas completed the SOS Group knowledge training program successfully.

TechOps team


  • non-concurrent pump maintenance and alignment checks ongoing.

  • Phone interviews completed for 1 x MTech Supervisor & 2 x Industrial Cleaner.

  • M1 thermal sensor survey and mapping.

  • Coude Hardstops improved guarding installed.

  • Mount Control & Drive Panel maintenance started and ongoing.


2024-11-13 10.09.34.jpg
Non-concurrent Pump Maintenance and Alignment Checks ongoing - Photo by Paul Jeffers

InstOps team


  • Continued support for VTF installation. Aligned the instrument and telescope, completed remaining mechanical work.

  • Moved 3rd VTF camera from VBI-r. Successfully tested all cameras and data handling. Installed interim camera cooling system.

  • Merged VTF updates with HLS trunk software and deployed to all VTF computers.

  • Received bids for IR Camera controller. Currently under evaluation.

  • Began IR camera cryostat thermal design analysis.

  • Improved ViSP optics for ghosts, stray light, and polarization.

  • Cryo-NIRSP began winter hibernation.

  • Developed final plan for table installation.

Data Center team


  • Updated the dataset inventory to use the SPECLN header keyword to compile list of spectral lines in a dataset in the the inventory

  • Moved trial transfer recipe run configuration switching to convenience functions in *.common

  • Created logic functions within the observability framework to perform checking and monitoring for a number of Ceph parameters.

EHS team


  • Prepared and submitted the bi-monthly DKIST Safety and Health report.

  • We are in process of purchasing our new EHS Management app, Sospes. This will greatly simplify and improve inspections, hazard reporting and training and make the program more readily assessable to everyone. Hoping to have it up and operational by mid December.

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