My Globus download had an error - can you please help?


The following article should be used when you have issues with the downloading process itself, which uses the Globus interface to perform the data transfer. If the problem involves the Data Center Archive Portal itself is not functioning, please go here.


  • Failing downloads and slow transfer speeds are more often than not (~98% of the time) on the user’s side.

    • The DKIST Data Portal for searching and retrieving data is located at <>. There will be scheduled downtimes for the DC Portal for maintenance. During those times, a banner should be visible to the user noting the downtime. If the user receives an error stating that the search service is down and to try back later, please try again in a few minutes (to an hour).

      Ensure your internet connection is working fine. If the link still does not work, in a separate tab, enter the DKIST Portal URL into this service: This should confirm whether or not the DKIST Portal is down.

    • If the DKIST Portal URL is not accessible after an hour, and it is not due to a scheduled downtime, please submit a DKIST Help Desk ticket with the following information:

      • Browser and version that you are using,

      • Error message (screen shot)

  • Failed downloads are usually due to a misconfigured Globus Connect Personal (GCP) installation or a firewall misconfiguration. Both of which are covered on Globus How-To pages:

  • Also if a user encounters these types of problems and is unable to solve them on their own, the user can send an email to and the Globus staff can usually get them sorted out quickly.

  • Typically, the issue is not on the side of the DKIST Data Center. In the event that this is not a user internet issue or a Globus configuration issue, the user can send a DKIST Help Desk ticket for assistance.


Failing downloads and slow transfer speeds are more often than not (~98% of the time) on the user’s side. Please check your internet connectivity, the Globus configuration and contact the Globus Help Desk ( for assistance before filing a DKIST Help Desk ticket.